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Spiritual Exercises in Loreto

LORETO – Italy. From 15 to 20 September, the spiritual exercises for the confreres of the Italian Province took place in Loreto, in the house that was the Montfortian scholasticate for thirty years and which today belongs to the Salesians.
Marco PASINATO, SMM | 24 Sep 2024

Father Wim Peeters SMM: A Model of Holiness and Discipline

PONSA MALANG, Indonesia - Hello Confreres, greetings from our Scholasticate Community, “Ponsa” in Malang. On this occasion we would like to share a story about the Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood from a Missionary who is famous for his friendliness and discipline, Fr. Wilhelmus Johannes Bernardus Peeters, SMM or familiarly called Father Wim....
Bro. Wens | 23 Sep 2024

First Profession of three Brothers in Uganda

MBARARA, Uganda - A solemn event took place in the Africa Anglophone General Delegation on August 6, 2024, the solemnity of the Transfiguration at Montfort Novitiate House, Mbarara in Uganda. Three brothers from Malawi, namely Emmanuel ANTHONY, Phillip Posiano YOLA, and Eric FUNDI, made their first profession. In front of a large congregation, these brothers publicly declared their commitment through the pronouncement of the three evangelical counsels of poverty, obedience, and chastity in the Company of Mary...

The Ordination of Bishop Wismick Jean-Charles, SMM

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - On Saturday, August 3, 2024, the episcopal ordination of a Montfortian confrere from the Province of Haiti, Bishop Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, SMM and Bishop Jean-Pierre Sander LOUIS JEAN, both appointed auxiliary bishops of the said Archdiocese on May 31, 2024 by Pope Francis, took place at the Parish of Saint Pierre de Pétion Ville, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince. Bishop Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, because of his career and his various responsibilities, is very well known both nationally and internationally, both within the Montfortian family and the universal Church. This is one of the reasons why this grandiose event was experienced as a community, ecclesial and national event...

DRC: General Assembly of the Entity

KISANGANI, DRC - After three days of retreat, the Montfort missionaries of the General Delegation of Africa Francophone gathered in a General Assembly with the Superior General and the General Councilor in charge of Africa this Thursday, August 29. After an opening prayer, Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM made an introduction to launch the meeting. In his speech, the Superior General echoed the words of the retreat preacher, showing the need to let ourselves be guided by the Spirit so that we can truly be liberos. He also emphasized earlier during the Mass that the Assembly must be prophetic and charismatic. A charismatic Assembly is one that is led by prayer. He invited the participants in this Assembly that they must be animated by the gentleness and the tenderness of Jesus...

Annual Retreat 2024

KISANGANI, DRC - In order to recharge spiritually after a long time of apostolic work, the Montfort Missionaries of the General Delegation of Francophone Africa (GDFA) withdrew for three days, from 26th to 28th August 2024, at Kisangani (DRC) to make an annual retreat, also with the aim of entering the General Assembly of the Entity. Indeed, this moment of retreat was very nourishing for each retreatant. The very rich teachings of Mgr. Léonard, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Kisangani, enabled each participant to emerge from this retreat with a new lease of life for the Montfort – ecclesial mission. During these three days, Mgr. Léonard developed five themes...
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