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Ten Days in Malawi: A Beautiful Experience

MALAWI - The long-awaited visit by Fr. General finally became a reality on 16th October 2021. After a pleasant day with him in the company of Fr. Felix Phiri, SMM, Fr. Arnold Suhardi, SMM and Fr. Jacob Otieno, SMM, we started parking early in the evening in preparation for our flight to Malawi early morning next day, 17th October 2021...
George Montfort | 14 Dec 2021

Letter of Pope Francis - Fr. Olivier Maire, SMM

Dear brother: I thank you for your kind letter of August 10, in which you informed me of the death of Father Olivier Maire, as well as of the consternation it caused for the whole Company of Mary and for the parents of the religious. I beg you to convey to them all my closeness and my prayer for the soul of Father Olivier. I pray to the Lord that by appearing before the Tribunal of God, as this ancient prayer of the Society says, he will be welcomed into the loving arms of the Sweet Mother of mercy, as the faithful servant who gave his life in service of the last...
SMM Communications | 12 Nov 2021

Montfortian Community of Menyurai in Indonesia commits to support flood victims

SINTANG, Indonesia - It has been more than two weeks that the town of Sintang in Indonesia is still flooded. The pathetic situation has been going on since October 21, 2021. So far, the water level has shown no sign of receding, on the contrary, it is rising. Indeed, in the first week, the water level was not too high as to deter residents from working and doing several activities. But, over the past week or so, the water level has risen in some places. Particularly on the banks of the Kapuas River, the water depth is about 1-3 meters. According to people here, these are the worst flash floods seen in Sintang...

SMM-Memorial Expansion in Schimmert (the Netherlands)

SCHIMMERT, Netherlands - After the Requiem celebration on Saturday, November 6, 2021, four new menhirs were blessed at the monastery cemetery 'Op de Bies' in Schimmert by Father Peter Denneman, SMM. The 1st menhir commemorates the Daughters of Wisdom, buried throughout the world. On the 2nd and 3rd menhirs, the names of the confreres buried in Oirschot are written. The 4th menhir shows the names of the confreres reburied from Voorschoten...
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