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“The Montfortian Way for the 21st Century”

BANDUNG, Indonesia – The members of three Montfortian Congregations and their respective Associates (Daughters of Wisdom and Friends of Wisdom, Montfort Missionaries and Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH), Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Montfortian Gabrielite Associates) in Southeast Asia and Oceania feel the need to meet regularly to get to know each other, share and collaborate in deepening and spreading the charism and spirituality of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort through concrete initiatives...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 02 Aug 2024

Renewal of Temporary Vows

LIMA, Peru - On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Canonization of Father de Montfort, the Montfortian Scholasticate held a retreat to prepare for the renewal of temporary vows in the retreat house ‘San Martin de Porres’ (formerly the Foyer of Charity) from July 19-21, 2024...

Montfortian Pilgrimage in Port Moresby

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea - The Montfortian Family in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) had a memorable pilgrimage on Saturday, July 20, 2024. Gladly rejoicing, around 60 participants from the Montfort Associates, the Junior Friends of Montfort, the Montfort Missionaries of the Company of Mary and the Daughters of Wisdom took part in the event. The pilgrimage started at 8:00AM from St. Martin de Porres Parish, at Morata (a parish of Montfort Missionaries work), covering four parishes within the Archdiocese of Port Moresby and ended at 12:30PM...

Entrance to the Pre-Postulancy Program 2024-2025

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - The entrance of the three Pre-Postulants, Bro. Mark Victor M. PESUELO (Catarman Northern Samar, Philippines), Bro. Arben Smith P. CANDIDO (Pangalcagan, Bogasong, Antique, Philippines) and Bro. Jhay Albert CUESTA (Dagupan, Pangasinan, Philippines), happened on July 4, 2024. It was the memorial of Our Lady of Joy and they were welcomed by the different communities of the Montfort Missionaries in the Philippines...

Echo from Montfort Scholasticate: Closure of the Initiation Year and Renewal of Vows

GITEGA, Burundi - It was Saturday, 29 June 2024. It was on this Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul that the Montfort Scholasticate is closing its 2023-2024 initiation year (which began on Saturday, 23 September 2023) during a Eucharistic celebration presided over by the rector of this house of formation, the Reverend Father Henri ALOTEREMBI, SMM...

Mary in the Scriptures

BANGALORE, India - The Marian Centre of the Vice Province of India organized a summer course on Mary in the Scriptures from June 1-6, 2024, in Bangalore, India. The resource person for the course was Fr. Alexander SWAMY NATHAN, SMM, the newly appointed director of the Marian Centre, marking his first activity since taking on the role. Eight scholastics, who are theology students (First Cycle) in Eluru, India, participated in this annual program...

May Flower Celebration in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - The Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts celebrated the May Flower event in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary on May 4, 2024, at the chapel of Mary Queen of All Hearts, Montfort Center of Spirituality. The celebration commenced at 8:30 a.m. with the praying of the Most Holy Rosary, led by the children, followed by the offering of flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Attendees included the Associates of the Montfort Missionaries (AMM), Legion of Mary (LOM), members of Totus Tuus Journey Philippines (TTJers), and the children's parents...

“It is I. Do not be afraid.”

RUTENG, Indonesia – On May 31, 2024, the day of the Feast of the Visitation, the Indonesian Province of the Montfort Missionaries welcomed six novices who made their first vows, at the Montfortian Novitiate, Ruteng, Indonesia. The day before, these six brothers made their consecration to Jesus through Mary in the Holy Spirit. These two celebrations were presided over by Father Antonius TENSI, SMM, Provincial...
Bro. Wilton WOGE | 17 Jun 2024

The Entry of the Pre-novices into the Novitiate and the First Profession of Bro. Anthonydoss, SMM

KANATHI, India - On 30th of May 2024 at Sneha Bhavan, the young pre-novices, after a sufficient period of preparation and formation, made their entry into the novitiate. Fr. Sebastian RAJ, SMM, the Superior of the Vice-province of India accepted their consent to follow Christ radically in the footsteps of St. Montfort through an intense period of formation in the novitiate...

“Day of Mercy” with the Prisoners

FOGGIA, Italy - On Saturday, May 11, 2024, for the city of Foggia, the “Day of Mercy” took place at the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary Crowned Mother of God. This wonderful meeting was attended by prisoners accompanied by their chaplains. They were also accompanied by volunteers from Santeramo in Colle of the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts and by the Montfortian novices Matteo and Martino, who already during the year visit the prisoners every Tuesday afternoon, listening to their stories, sharing with simplicity, faith and the rosary...

An Interview with Fr. Oscar SAGWANTI, SMM, a missionary in Italy

CALABRIA, Italy - Just before he clocked 50, marking the Golden jubilee birthday celebration and 25th anniversary of religious life in the Company of Mary, Fr. Oscar SAGWANTI, SMM, from Africa Anglophone Delegation, received obedience to go to Italy for a new mission. He had mixed feelings as his request to first celebrate the silver jubilee was not granted. However, motivated and recalling the point of actions of the Acts of the General Chapter 1993, acting together and availability, he joyfully accepted and currently enjoys the mission in Bianco community, Calabria, Italy. Fr. Jailos MPINA, SMM had a conversation with Fr. Oscar...
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