Africa Francophone

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Inaugural Prayer for the Project of the Marian Shrine

KISANGANI, RDC - On Saturday, June 25, 2022, the Montfortian family of Kisangani - the Montfort Fathers, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, the Lay Associates and the postulants organized a pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine located in the property of Montfort Missionaries in Kisangani. It should be noted that it was for the very first time since its construction a few years ago and whose final project is to be erected later as the very first Marian Sanctuary in the Archdiocese of Kisangani...

The Blessing of the Parish Church: "Mary, Daughter of Nazareth"

GITEGA, Burundi - While the entire Catholic Church was celebrating “Our Lady of the Rosary”, the particular Church of the Archdiocese of Gitega, more precisely the Montfortian Parish “Mary, Daughter of Nazareth” was in great joy to welcome again Bishop Simon NTAMWANA for the blessing of the parish church whose first stone was laid by him last year in August 2020...

The How and the Why of our Vocation

KISANGANI, RDC - On Wednesday, 7th April 2021, his Excellency Marcel Utembi Tapa, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kisangani / DR Congo, presided over the Holy Mass at Saint Paul Apostle Parish (in Kisangani). During the Eucharistic Celebration, there was the diaconal ordination of the three brothers: Robert Natutwande, Elisée Kambale and Ignace Messinou. All of them are Montfort Missionaries of the Company of Mary and members of the General Delegation of Francophone Africa / GDFA. The first two are Congolese, while the third is a Togolese (the very first time to have a Togolese deacon in our Entity)...

Sacerdotal ordination in Congo

KIBIBI, Congo - On 25 March 2017, the solemnity of the Annunciation of our Savior, in the parish church of Saint Paul the Apostle of KIBIBI, Father Henri ALOTEREMBI said "YES" before God and his witnesses in the hands of Monseigneur Dieudonné MADRAPILE Tanzi, Bishop of the diocese of Isangi, surrounded by religious and secular priests. He received the imposition of hands making him the ninth Congolese...
08 Apr 2017
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