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Totus Tuus Journey (Batch 13): Recollection and Consecration Paved a Precious Bridge to Jesus

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Totus Tuus Journey (Batch 13): Recollection and Consecration Paved a Precious Bridge to Jesus

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Nestor F. Lagnason in Philippines · Wednesday 17 Jun 2015 · Read time 3:15
Tags: NUPHL214

“Drew me out of the pit of destruction, out of the mud of the swamp,
set my feet upon rock, steadied my steps.” Psalms 40:3

Cebu, Philippines - On April 25, 2015, Fr. Paul Arnel Lucero, SMM, (Delegation Superior) and Fr. Norwyn Baydo, SMM welcomed the members of Totus Tuus Journey, Batch 13 (Cebu) to an overnight recollection at St. Francis Seraph Retreat House at Maghaway, Talisay City, Cebu. All the participants came with grateful hearts for the tremendous blessings that God bestowed upon them.

At the start of the recollection animated by Fr. Paul, there was an innocent yet interesting query from one of the participants. He was asking, “When the seminar is over, is it already enough? Is our 33 day journey enough? The answer is No, but rather it is just the beginning of a challenging and fulfilling journey where relationships with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are strengthened, respect for each other is established and characters are molded.

From this point onward, there is no turning back. God’s grace will remain and we will come out renewed and victorious in our faith. After the talk of our facilitator (Talk 1-4) the recollection was concluded with personal reflection. Later, a Holy Mass was celebrated and presided by Fr. Dodong at 6 PM. In the homily he shared the acronym LIGHT:

L-eads others to the right path, through service, simplicity and humility;
I-nspire others through words and deeds;
G-oes out of his/her way for the welfare of others;
H-ears God through prayer and hears people with his/her heart and
T-eaches others by his/her example of life.

Certainly, this acronym would serve as a guide to every Catholic on how to be a light for others. At 8 PM, the TTJers participated in the adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament followed by confession.  
To start off our second day, we prayed the Holy Rosary at 6:30 AM then a talk on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. At 8 AM, we proceeded to Montfort Mission House for the Holy Mass and Consecration. At the Montfort Mission House, friends, relatives, members of the family and people attending the Holy Mass had witnessed our consecration.

Our consecration comprised of our allegiance to the Word of God. Each one of us firmly believes in the Holy Scripture and in the incarnate word, Jesus Christ. It was then followed by a second part wherein we renewed the vows of baptism and promised that we renounce Satan forever, and thereby share entirely our renewed life in Christ.

The third part is the consecration and covenant of love. In his homily, he stresses and emphasizes the 7 capital sins which are pride, anger, lust, envy, gluttony, avaricious (greed) and sloth. Altogether the TTJers with Fr. Dodong participated in the consecration of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, through the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Our consecration represents one of our successes. It was made possible through the Almighty who showers us many blessings, who inspires us to achieve our goal and guide us throughout. The conclusion of the consecration does not mean to bid farewell to our friends but say hello to a new life. We must not stop praying and be unafraid of the future. A wonderful journey to us TTJers Batch 13!

- Bro. Nestor F. Lagnason



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