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PHILIPPINES: Consecration of TTJ Batch 12 in Cebu

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PHILIPPINES: Consecration of TTJ Batch 12 in Cebu

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Federick B. Yumang, SMM in Philippines · Wednesday 30 Apr 2014 · Read time 2:00
Tags: NUPHL143

[FR]  [ES]  

On April 27, 2014, the eve of the Solemnity of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, the Montfort Missionaries Cebu Community, Montfortian Associates, Mission Partners, Friends and Benefactors gathered together in Montfort Mission House to witness the Consecration to Jesus through Mary of 20 people composed of Religious Sisters, Professionals, Members of Legion of Mary, Parish Volunteers and ordinary people.
The celebration started at about 8:30 in the morning with the Holy Eucharist presided by Rev. Fr. Paul Arnel Lucero, SMM, the Superior of the Philippine Delegation with Rev. Fr. Norwyn Baydo, SMM (Postulant Director and Superior of Cebu Community) and Rev. Fr. Francis Tacio, SMM (Superior of the Mission Team and Animator of TTJ Cebu). A day before the event, the newly consecrated brothers and sisters had a day of recollection at Sto. Niño Chapel, Tina-an, Naga City, facilitated by Fr. Paul Arnel and assisted by Fr. Francis.
The day of April 27, 2014 was memorable not only for those who had their consecration and for those who renewed their consecration (Batch 1-11) but most especially for the whole Roman Catholic Church and for the Montfortian family because that day - the Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)- was the day of the canonization of the two most influential popes of the 20th Century: John XXIII and John Paul II, whose spirituality was influenced by the life and teaching of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort.
Indeed it was a grace-filled day for all those who were present, a celebration of faith, prayers, songs and life. After the celebration of the Holy Eucharist everybody gathered around the table to share a simple meal prepared by the community and by the lay associates.
Everyone went home with hearts filled with joy for the grace of that day in this time of Easter and aware of the challenges in fulfilling the renewed promises of Baptism with the Consecration to Jesus through Mary and with the hope to share in the victory won by the resurrection of Jesus- the Wisdom of God- for the glory of GOD ALONE!    

-Bro. Federick B. Yumang, SMM



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