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CEBU, Philippines: A Grace-filled Pilgrimage 2014

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CEBU, Philippines: A Grace-filled Pilgrimage 2014

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Armel R. Collantes, Postulant in Philippines · Monday 26 May 2014 · Read time 2:45
Tags: NUPHL151

[FR]  [ES]  

The Postulancy and Cebu Mission Community has successfully organized a Pilgrimage to Vigan City, Laoag City, La Union, Baguio, Pangasinan and Manila. It was held on May 9-15, 2014 with the theme: St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, Formator of the laity dedicated to the Service of the Church, which is in line with the celebration of the Year of the Laity. There were a total of 55 pilgrims who joined in the pilgrimage consisting of the committee, our Totus Tuus Journey lay partners, neighborhood community and active lay from different religious organizations in Cebu. A week prior to the start of the Pilgrimage, on May 4, 2014, the committee called for an orientation and recollection for all the pilgrims which was held at the Postulancy and Cebu Mission House in Lower Calajo-an, Minglanilla, Cebu with the aim to let the pilgrims know the Montfort Missionaries, to be acquainted with each pilgrims and to discuss to them what to do and what to bring during the pilgrimage.
On May 9 – 15, 2014 the pilgrimage kicks off. We have visited the churches and historical places of Vigan City, Ilocos Sur; Laoag City, Ilocos Norte; then we went to Baguio with a stop over to La Union; Our Lady of Manaoag Shrine and the new mission parish of SMM in Dagupan, Pangasinan; and on the last day of the pilgrimage we visited SMM communities of Timog and New Manila as well as the Daughters of Wisdom.
Along our journey, the pilgrims were cooperative and grateful to the Lord through Mary for the grace of being part of this pilgrimage. As one pilgrim said during one of the sharings: “I never thought that this would be a very enlightening and momentous journey with the Lord, because at first I only have in my mind an idea of a mere tour and adventure. It is only in this pilgrimage that I have attended consecutive Eucharistic celebrations and it gives me great joy within. I could not wait but to look forward for the next Montfortian Pilgrimage. “
At the end of the pilgrimage, at the Closing Mass, Fr. Norwyn Baydo, SMM, conveyed his inspirational message to the pilgrims that we may be thankful to the Lord for these special graces He has bestowed on us in this pilgrimage, and it is now time to renew our lives and that upon returning home we shall be able to proclaim and live out what we have acquired from this grace-filled pilgrimage, whatever we do, wherever we are with the help of the maternal care of Mary, Queen of all Hearts and in the inspiration of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort for the glory of God Alone.

-Bro. Armel R. Collantes, Postulant



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