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Message of the Superior General

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Message of the Superior General

Montfort News
Published by P. Santino Brembilla in Rome · Thursday 13 Mar 2014 · Read time 1:45
Tags: Burundi

[FR]  [ES]  [IT]

Dear confreres and friends,

For about six years now we have considered the possibility of a formation house in Africa for our French speaking confreres.

After dialogue and discernment with our confreres of the African Francophone Delegation, evaluating the different possibilities, we have chosen Gitega in Burundi to begin the house for African Formation in the French Language.

What has guided our choice is especially the diffusion of Montfortian spirituality in the country, the simple milieu, the missionary opening for our confreres from the Delegation, and the fact of being near to a people who have suffered much in the recent times.

The journey will not be an easy one. We want to ask each confrere in the Congregation, our associates and our friends, to participate in this project at the service of the formation of our candidates in French-speaking Africa.

From all, we ask your prayers so that this project might create the conditions for a good human, spiritual, missionary and intellectual formation for our candidates.

We invite all entities, our associates, our friends and all those who have the continuity of the spiritual heritage of St Louis of Montfort at heart, to make gestures of solidarity, by giving the little that they can give so that this dream may become a reality.

Such a project, would it not be a concrete way to celebrate the Tercentenary of the death of Father de Montfort in the light of the Resurrection?

“God in these times wishes his Blessed Mother to be more known, loved and honored than she has ever been...” (TD, n. 55).

Thank you for accompanying us.

Father Santino Brembilla, S.M.M.
Superior General, and his Council

Roma, 14th March, 2014



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