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Official Opening of the Montfortian International Formation 2022

SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SEVRE, France - After a two-year pause due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Montfortian International Formation once again welcomes members and lay associates of the three Congregations of the Montfortian Family. The French-speaking FIM session takes place at the Mother house of the Daughters of Wisdom in Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre from July 1st to August 14th, 2022. Joy was palpable at the time of the welcome...

Inaugural Prayer for the Project of the Marian Shrine

KISANGANI, RDC - On Saturday, June 25, 2022, the Montfortian family of Kisangani - the Montfort Fathers, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, the Lay Associates and the postulants organized a pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine located in the property of Montfort Missionaries in Kisangani. It should be noted that it was for the very first time since its construction a few years ago and whose final project is to be erected later as the very first Marian Sanctuary in the Archdiocese of Kisangani...

Grateful for God's Abundance

FLORES, Indonesia - The Novisiat Montfortan, Labe, Carep, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia, celebrated its 20th Birthday on June 10, 2022. This celebration was marked by sports activities that was held a few weeks before, such as football and volleyball among the novices as well as among the surrounding religious communities, especially the Catechiste Sisters, FMVI Sisters, novitiate community of Daughters of Wisdom, and Somascan Missionaries. The highlight of the event was the Eucharistic celebration presided by the Provincial Superior of Indonesia, Father Antonius TENSI, SMM...

A House for Minors in Difficulty

REGGIO CALABRIA, Italy - "Casa di Benedetta" represents the biggest dream come true of the Abakhi Association. The project started exclusively with the concession of the Montfort Fathers of Reggio Calabria, of a building within their property, located at the heart of the city...
Alessandro Cartisano | 01 Jun 2022

Catholic Youth Gathering in Queen of the Rosary (Ratu Rosari ) Parish

LEBANG, Indonesia - In celebration of the SMM Mission in Asia-Oceania 2022, the Ratu Rosari Parish in Lebang held a Grand Gathering of Young Catholics. “Moving together towards light while being strongly rooted in Catholic faith and culture” is the theme of the Grand Gathering. Grand Gathering was held on May 6-8, 2022. With only 150 participants, which is lesser than the first Grand Gathering in 2019, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of young people to meet and carry out activities that were scheduled at the beginning of the year during the plenary meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council...
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