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Entrance to the Pre-Postulancy and Postulancy Programs 2021-2022

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - In the afternoon of August 5, 2021, the Memorial of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome, the Congregation of the Company of Mary-Philippine Delegation accepted the new candidates for the Pre-Postulancy and Postulancy programs. The ceremony for the rite of entrance to the Pre-Postulancy and Postulancy formation 2021-2022 began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by Delegation Councillor Rev. Fr. Santiago T. Casing, SMM, who was delegated to lead the ceremony by Rev. Fr. Norwyn Baydo, SMM, the Delegation Superior. It was concelebrated by SMM priests Rev. Fr. Federick Yumang, the Pre-Postulancy Director, Rev. Fr. Richard Magararu, Rev. Fr. Sherwin Nuñez, Rev. Fr. Benjie Notarte and Rev. Fr. Arnel Pagaduan. Some temporary professed SMM brothers were also present, namely Lester Bonete, Samuel Gonzales, Harold Montoya, Glenn Bongcas and Christopher Mejia. Friends from Santa Teresita Parish were also present to witness the celebration...

Priestly Ordinations of Fr. Solofo and Fr. Samuel in Madagascar

MADAGASCAR – In this month of August, the Vice-Province of Madagascar of the Montfort Missionaries experienced the joy of the priestly ordination of its two members. The first was the ordination of RAMANANDRAIBE Solofoniaina Victor (Solofo) which took place on August 8, 2021, in Ambatomarina, during a solemn Mass presided over by H.E. Mgr. RAKOTONARIVO Fidélis, bishop of the diocese of Ambositra. Father Solofo was ordained here with four other deacons from this diocese...

The Montfortian Mission at Mary, Seat of Wisdom Station in Tanjung Lokang

KALIMANTAN, Indonesia – On Easter Day 2021, in the midst of a resurging pandemic, the Parish priest of the Epiphany Parish sent us to hold a service at the farthest station, which is called the Tanjung Lokang Station. In addition to celebrating the entire Easter mystery, we had the opportunity to have a dialogue and share our faith with several community leaders. From this dialogue and sharing, there are several pastoral concerns that demand real action. First, the dualism between Catholics and Protestants regarding respect for the dead. Second, the limited understanding of the Catholic faith has an impact on the appreciation of the faith which is purely administrative in nature. Again, they are not able to account for the Catholic faith in the face of satire or attacks that are blaming the Catholic faith from Protestant circles. Third, the assistance of early childhood and youth, as well as Catholic Youth, is very minimal. This leaves them with insufficient knowledge of the faith from an early age and lacks interest in being involved in Church activities...
Fr. Rafael Lepen, SMM | 03 Aug 2021

AMQAH Cebu now Officially Accredited in the Archdiocese of Cebu

CEBU, Philippines - On July 24, 2021, the Association of Mary Queen of all Hearts (AMQAH) was officially accredited by the Archdiocese of Cebu Council of the Laity for the Lay Organizations, Movements, Associations and Services (LOMAS) during the first-ever launching of the Lay Tertiary and Marian Councils at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral at 10:00 AM. Originally, the venue is supposedly at the International Eucharistic Congress Convention Center IC3 Hall C, but due to the limited number of persons allowed by IATF at the IC3 Hall C, the officers of the councils transferred the venue to the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral at 10:00 AM, instead of 9:00 AM...

Confreres in Africa Anglophone Delegation hold Tripartite Celebrations of Final Profession, Diaconate and Silver Jubilee Anniversary

BALAKA, Malawi - On 16th July 2021, two confreres, namely Bro. Horrice Mkandawire, SMM and Bro. Laurent James Juma, SMM from Africa Anglophone made their Perpetual Profession at St. Louis Catholic Church - Balaka Parish in Balaka district. Bishop Emeritus Alessandro Pagani, SMM who is also the only priest at Kankao Parish presided over the very solemn Eucharistic celebration. Archbishop Thomas Msusa, SMM of Blantyre Archdiocese concelebrated as the confreres, the clergy, the Daughters of Wisdom, the Brothers of St. Gabriel, and the congregants witnessed the profession...
Fr. Jailos Mpina, SMM | 26 Jul 2021

Inauguration of the Parish of Saint Montfort of Monterado in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

WEST KALIMANTAN, Indonesia - New history was created in the pilgrimage of the Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Pontianak and also of the Montfort Missionaries of the Province of Indonesia. On July 20, 2021, a new parish was formed in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, precisely in the District of Monterado, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Present in this celebration were the Regent of Bengkayang, the Chairman of the Bengkayang House of Representatives, the Provincial of SMM Indonesia, and the Archbishop of Pontianak as well as hundreds of parishioners of St. Montfort, Monterado...

A Foretaste of Mission “A La Montfort”

DAGUPAN CITY, Philippines - In the morning of June 15, 2021, after a year of academic program, two aspirant brothers: Bro. Jessie James Datulayta and Bro. Ivan Benedict Dadula, together with the Collegians Director, Rev. Fr. Federick B. Yumang, SMM, went to Dagupan City for Pastoral Exposure. Before they left the Collegians Formation House, a send-off liturgy was held with a blessing from Rev. Fr. Richard Magararu, SMM, who is staying in the community while waiting for his new mission in United Kingdom. The program for pastoral exposure is a month of firsthand experience for the aspirants on how the Montfort Fathers do their missionary apostolate. They were asked to help the Chaplaincy of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort in Bolosan District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan through the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Rene Bustillo, SMM, to journey with the youth of the parish...

Providence at Work in the SMM Cebu Mission under Mary’s Inspiration

CEBU, Philippines - The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a lot of changes and adjustments in the Philippine Delegation. One, the International Novitiate could not embark for a new batch of international novices due to the candidates’ inability to travel to the Philippines. After finishing the 2019-2020 Batch of International Novices on August 1st, our Delegation Superior, Fr. Norwyn Baydo, SMM, gave me a temporary assignment. In the middle of September, he asked me (together with Bro. Ronald Baruela and later on, Bro. Armel Collantes, both scholastics) to travel to Cebu and attend to the spiritual needs of the people who are living nearby our Montfort Mission Community in Lower Calajo-an, Minglanilla, Cebu...

Ready to Take Risks for God Alone

DAGUPAN, Philippines - From June 15 to July 11, 2021, the five scholastics: Bro. Samuel M. Gonzales, SMM; Bro. Lester C. Bonete, SMM; Bro. John Michael G. Uy, SMM; Bro. Lord Ansel Glenn N. Bongcas, SMM; Bro. Christopher S. Mejia, SMM, headed by Rev. Fr. Benjie A. Notarte, SMM, had their summer exposure and helped the Chaplaincy of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, Dagupan, Pangasinan under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Rene S. Bustillo, SMM, the Chaplaincy Director...

New Postulants of Indonesia

FLORES, Indonesia - In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Montfortian Novitiate community in Ruteng, Manggarai, Flores, Indonesia welcomed 15 postulants. These young men were initiated into the life of the Montfortian community during the evening prayer on Saturday, July 10, 2021. This simple celebration was presided by Fr. Lodofikus Ndona, SMM...

Montfort EurHope: Evangelizing with Digital Technology

BERGAMO, Italy – Monday, June 7, 2021. The Province of Italy has offered a day of permanent formation entitled “Cast the digital net… I will make you fishers of men”. On behalf of the Provincial Commission for Evangelization, which organized the meeting, Fr. Aldo Bolis tells us how the initiative was born, how it unfolded and the fruits that we hope for from this formation...
Fr. Aldo BOLIS, SMM | 05 Jul 2021

Three Confreres obtained their Licentiate in Rome this year

ROME- In this year 2021, three of our confreres namely, Fr. Prem Kumar, Fr. Peter Makina and Fr. Judis Valan have successfully completed their licentiate in Rome. Fr. Prem who is from India did his licentiate in Dogmatic Theology at the Gregorian University. Fr. Peter Makina who hails from Malawi, did his licentiate in Pastoral Ministry for the Youth at the Salesian University and Fr. Judis Valan who is from India did his licentiate in Spiritual Theology at the Gregorian University. All the three will be leaving Rome shortly. Fr. Prem and Fr. Peter will go to their respective places for the new mission and Fr. Judis will continue his formative studies for one year in France. As they thank God for His providence and guidance during these two years of their licentiate, we congratulate them for their achievement and wish them God’s blessings and fruitful mission...
Fr. Judis Valan, SMM | 02 Jul 2021
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