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Bro. Ekenley JEAN-NOËL, SMM

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Montfort News
Montfort News
HAITI - The vocation to the religious life is becoming increasingly rare in our world today. The young people, preoccupied with the questions of survival in a society in constant turmoil and the resulting doubts, are afraid to engage in this way of life based essentially on faith and trust in the Lord. But all is not over. The Spirit still blows and manages to touch hearts to prepare them and send them into the vineyard of the Lord...
ORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, so pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest" (Mt 9, 37-38). These words of Christ are topical and still resonate today within the Church. In a world where the truth is more and more fearful, where some people tend to flee or make the Church flee, the bearer of the truth, the Spirit of truth is at work...
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