MBARARA, Uganda - On 17th August 2021, the Mbarara Community of Montfort Missionaries in Uganda gathered together with few religious around Mbarara to celebrate Holy Mass in honour of the life of Fr. Olivier Maire, SMM. Fr. Olivier had worked in Uganda as a Novice Master and also did his pastoral work around the community. It was a moment to celebrate the wonderful and transformative work of Fr. Olivier that came from his faith. The Holy Mass was led by His Grace Lambert Bainomugisha, the Archbishop of Mbarara Archdiocese together with few concelebrants. Confreres, religious men and women and lay people within Nyamitanga Hill participated in the Holy Mass. According to Archbishop Lambert, the life of Fr. Olivier has been an encyclopaedia, not only to the Montfortians but also to the entire church...