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A French vocation in the Montfortian Family

PONTCHATEAU, France – On January 15, Sr. Christine PICHERY pronounced her perpetual vows in the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom in the Church of Pontchâteau. The Mass was celebrated by Mgr. Laurent PERCEROU, Bishop of Nantes. Sister Christine is French and works at Saint Martin College in Pontchâteau...
Marco PASINATO, SMM | 14 Feb 2023

350th Anniversary of the Birth of Montfort in his Birthplace

MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France – Sunday, January 29 was a big celebration for the 350th anniversary of the birth of Father de Montfort. A large attendance filled the Church: parishioners, members of the great Montfortian Family, Hospitaliers who sometimes came from afar, participants of the “Marche Montfortaine”, a large group from Pontchâteau to whom a parish pilgrimage was organized on this occasion...
Pierrette MAIGNE | 07 Feb 2023

Opening of the Novitiate in PNG

KIUNGA, Papua New Guinea - On the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, we entered officially into the Novitiate program. Also, the 2nd of February marked the Day of the Religious and it was really suitable to our entrance to the Novitiate Formation; Godwin, from the Diocese of Wewak, has completed his second year of Theological studies in Catholic Theological Institute (CTI); Anselm, from the Diocese of Wewak, has completed his first year of Theological Studies in CTI and Tresi (Larouche), from the Diocese of Daru-Kiunga has completed his Philosophical Studies also in CTI...
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