TAMILNADU, India - Ponnusangampatty is one of the substations of Puthanatham Parish which consists of 10 catholic families. It was an abandoned substation until Montfortians entered. Nonetheless, the substation too was blessed with the privilege of commemorating its 25 years and the renovated chapel. The Jubilee spiritual preparation began with Triduum with the spirited cooperation of the Rosary boys and all the faithful....
PONTCHATEAU, France – On January 15, Sr. Christine PICHERY pronounced her perpetual vows in the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom in the Church of Pontchâteau. The Mass was celebrated by Mgr. Laurent PERCEROU, Bishop of Nantes. Sister Christine is French and works at Saint Martin College in Pontchâteau...
SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SÈVRE, France – Brother Claude MARSAUD, FSG, local superior of the international community of the Brothers of Saint Gabriel in Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre, shares about his joy experienced and his reflections during the Jubilee of the 350th anniversary of the birth of Montfort in his native village on January 29, 2023...
ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - “Be reconciled to God! (2Co 5:20). We celebrated the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, and the day of Consecrated Life, on February 2. It was an opportunity for us to celebrate the first Profession of RASOLONJATOVO Nirina Lucien...
MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France – Sunday, January 29 was a big celebration for the 350th anniversary of the birth of Father de Montfort. A large attendance filled the Church: parishioners, members of the great Montfortian Family, Hospitaliers who sometimes came from afar, participants of the “Marche Montfortaine”, a large group from Pontchâteau to whom a parish pilgrimage was organized on this occasion...
KIUNGA, Papua New Guinea - On the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, we entered officially into the Novitiate program. Also, the 2nd of February marked the Day of the Religious and it was really suitable to our entrance to the Novitiate Formation; Godwin, from the Diocese of Wewak, has completed his second year of Theological studies in Catholic Theological Institute (CTI); Anselm, from the Diocese of Wewak, has completed his first year of Theological Studies in CTI and Tresi (Larouche), from the Diocese of Daru-Kiunga has completed his Philosophical Studies also in CTI...
SORØ, Denmark - Celebration of the 350th anniversary of Montfort's birth took place in Denmark in the house of the Association Mary Queen of all Hearts: “Maison Montfort” in Sorø, the evening before the 31 January. Guests included two Redemptorist-Fathers and a Dominican Friar.
QUEZON CITY, Philippines - The Philippine Delegation of the Montfort Missionaries celebrated the 350th birth anniversary of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, in a unique way, with utmost gratitude to the Triune God...
MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France, February 1, 2023 – A plaque displayed on the facade of the Maison Natale reads “On January 31, 1673 here was born Louis Grignion who became Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort”. Where do we know of his birth and name? It is thanks to the Act of Holy Baptism which is kept at the Town Hall of ...
MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France January 31, 2023 - Félix Grignion de la Noë (1663-1737), uncle of Saint-Louis-Marie de Montfort, husband of Jacquette Thierry (1663-1714) and then of Françoise Ramaceul (1695-1725), is the heir to the Birthplace of Louis-Marie in Montfort-sur-Meu (Maison Natale). He and his children lived there from 1691...
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - The word mission comes from the Latin “mittere” and means “to send”. It is used in the Church to designate the mission that the Apostles received from Christ to announce the Good News of salvation to all men (Mt 28, 18-20)....
On 26 January 2023, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General,
with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father José Angel JULCAHUANCA PARIATÓN, SMM, Superior of the General Delegation of Peru-Brazil, for a second mandate of three-years...
with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father José Angel JULCAHUANCA PARIATÓN, SMM, Superior of the General Delegation of Peru-Brazil, for a second mandate of three-years...
RENNES, France - Since January 22, 2023, the archdiocese of Rennes (where Montfort-sur-Meu is located) has a new auxiliary bishop.
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On January 10, 2023, the assembly of the Vice-Province of Madagascar took place in Benasandratra Antananarivo. The day was divided into two meetings: morning and afternoon. We have focused on reading the numbers of the Constitution and those relating to the functions of government...
PONTCHATEAU, France - Dans le parloir de la maison montfortaine du Calvaire de Pontchâteau le manuscrit d’une lettre du P. de Montfort est encadré et daté 29 Janvier 1711. Cette lettre, fort probablement autographe, fut trouvée au milieu de vieux papiers dans le grenier lors de l’évacuation de la maison réquisitionnée par les ...
MONTREAL, Canada - On January 11, 2023, the Vice-Province of Canada met in Montreal in view of the next General Chapter. The motive was to elect a delegate to accompany the Provincial to the General Chapter. Father Louis-Paul St-Laurent was unanimously elected...