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New Mission in Kenya - Mulot Shrine

NGONG, Kenya – On Sunday, May 1, 2022, the superior of the entity of Africa Anglophone delegation, Fr. Paul MASHONGA, SMM, announced that another community in Kenya, aside from the scholasticate, was to be opened. The pioneers for this community would be Frs. Horrice MKANDAWIRE, SMM and Jacob OTIENO, SMM. Indeed, the two fathers arrived at Mulot parish where the bishop of Ngong diocese sent them...

Financial Commission Meeting in Indonesia

SINTANG, Indonesia – The SMM Province of Indonesia held another meeting in the context of the celebration of the Asia-Oceania Continental Mission Year. This meeting was held on July 23, 2022 in Sintang, West Kalimantan. To be precise, this was a meeting of this entity's Financial Commission. The meeting was attended by a number of bursars from SMM communities in Indonesia with the presence of Fr. Balaswamy KATA, SMM, General Bursar and Fr. Arnold SUHARDI, SMM, Assistant General...

Together, it's more Montfortian!

ASHURST, United Kingdom - For some time now, at the Saint-Joseph’s Center, in addition to Fr. Des CONNOLLY, SMM and Bro. Anthony HANLY, SMM, other confreres have been present there: Fr. Fidelis WOTAN, SMM who studies English, Bro. Oliver ABASOLO, SMM, the scholastic who is doing his pastoral internship and Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM who, following the canonical visitation, facilitates the journey of this entity on behalf of the General Council. The animation of the day for the anniversary of the canonization of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort was a good opportunity to live together a missionary experience...

75 Canonization Anniversary of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort

LIMA, Peru - On July 20, 2022, the missionaries of the Company of Mary of Peru-Brazil delegation celebrated the 75th canonization anniversary of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort. During this day, they had also other celebrations. The eight students of the Latin American and Caribbean Juniorate renewed their temporary vows in such a special memory for our congregation. There was also great joy because Bro. Amos BEAUBRUN, SMM and Bro. Joasemsky BLANC, SMM received the ministries of acolyte and lector respectively...

SMM Indonesia Mission Commission held in West Kalimantan

PUTUSSIBAU, Indonesia - The General Assembly of the Asia-Oceania Continental Mission Year was hosted by the Indonesian Province from 3rd to 13th July 2022. There were many activities carried out, both at the continental and provincial levels. The Mission Commission meeting was held in Putussibau, West Kalimantan. The expectation from the meeting was to make recommendations that are practical and be put into practice in parishes and in the Mission House, so that there is a typical Montfortian style and the same pattern in every parish and every Mission House...

Construction of the Mission Team in the UK

ASHURST, UK - In 2019, the GB/I entity has been erected as “a community attached to the Generalate”. In 2020, Fr. Norwyn BAYDO, SMM, the Superior of the Philippines, appointed Fr. Richard MAGARARU, SMM as a new missionary for UK, by saying: “Since last year, we have started reflecting and engaging ourselves in dialogue and in opening our frontiers to new mission partnership that will guarantee to continue our Montfortian life-mission in England”...

Month of May, Month of Mary

SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SÈVRE, France - The month of May, the month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was a chance for the Christians who frequent the Basilica of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort. An objective was set well from the start: living this Marian month as a month of intense prayer in union with the Virgin Mary who leads us on her missionary footsteps. This journey of daily rosary prayer and missionary commitment ended with a Marian vigil of thanksgiving which took place on May 28, 2022 at the Missionaries of the Company of Mary Chapel...

Official Opening of the Montfortian International Formation 2022

SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SEVRE, France - After a two-year pause due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Montfortian International Formation once again welcomes members and lay associates of the three Congregations of the Montfortian Family. The French-speaking FIM session takes place at the Mother house of the Daughters of Wisdom in Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre from July 1st to August 14th, 2022. Joy was palpable at the time of the welcome...

Inaugural Prayer for the Project of the Marian Shrine

KISANGANI, RDC - On Saturday, June 25, 2022, the Montfortian family of Kisangani - the Montfort Fathers, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, the Lay Associates and the postulants organized a pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine located in the property of Montfort Missionaries in Kisangani. It should be noted that it was for the very first time since its construction a few years ago and whose final project is to be erected later as the very first Marian Sanctuary in the Archdiocese of Kisangani...
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