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News from the Vice-Province of Canada

MONTREAL, Canada - Our vice-provincial meeting took place on February 23 and 24, 2022. The Superior General, Fr. Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM and Fr. Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, SMM were present. The challenges are great here for our vice-province. The average age is quite high. But there are very few completely retired confreres...

Assembly Reflection 2022

USA - The USA Vice Province of the Montfort Missionaries gathered on February 18th and 19th for our Assembly. We were grateful to God that we were able to gather for the first time in person since the beginning of the pandemic. Unfortunately, we weren’t all together. Our brothers in the Nicaraguan mission were not able to join us in person but we did gather through the technology of ZOOM. We welcomed Fr. Luizinho and Fr. Wismick who were able to spend a good amount of time with us...
Father Tom Poth, SMM | 25 Feb 2022

Awakening of Missionary Spirit

RUTENG, Indonesia - The series of activities for the opening of the Continental Mission Year (CMY) of Asia and Oceania 2022 was held lively in Ruteng, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. All events were held at the Novitiate of Montfort Missionaries in Ruteng for two days, January 25-26, 2022...
Jimmy Carvallo | 17 Feb 2022

Welcoming Two Young Confreres into Montfortian Family

GURUMANDIR, MYSORE - India: Gurumandir which means “the temple of the master” (the minor seminary of the Indian Vice-Province) witnessed a fourfold celebration on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2022 in Mysore, Karnataka, India. On the first day, we had three celebrations together which was organized in our minor seminary in the ...
Fr. Prem Kumar SMM | 07 Feb 2022

The 350th Anniversary Jubilee of the Birth of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (Sunday, 20th February 2022 – Sunday, 30th January 2023)

MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France - Louis Grignion, who became Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, was born on Tuesday, 31st January 1673 in Montfort-sur-Meu. On Tuesday, 31st January 2023, we will celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Birth of this Saint Founder of the Three Congregations (Daughters of Wisdom, Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Montfort Missionaries). Many secular and lay Institutes live from his spirituality...

International Opening of the Continental Mission Year in Asia and Oceania

MAKATI CITY, Philippines - Our mission as baptized Christians is to be disciples who make disciples, and to continue the work of Jesus Christ on earth. Jesus sent his first disciples to continue his ministry and share the Word of God across the world. This tradition is still carried on by the missionaries who travel to different nations spreading the Gospel and evangelize people. The work of the missionaries is not limited to a single region, culture, or race. This was also what St. Louis-Marie de Montfort did when he became a priest...

Per aspera ad astra: Inauguration of the Nursing Home of La Saggese in Nggorang, Labuan Bajo, Indonesia

LABUAN BAJO, Indonesia - Per aspera ad astra. This is a Latin phrase meaning “through toil to the stars”. By using this expression, Fr. Arnold SUHARDI, SMM, the Assistant General, in his homily, reflected on the time of illness, suffering and old age as an opportunity to get closer to God. This message was conveyed in a homily during the Eucharistic celebration of the blessing of the nursing home of La Saggese in Nggorang, Labuan Bajo on January 20, 2022...
Fr. Wawan, SMM | 24 Jan 2022
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