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The Superior General meets the Montfortian Lay Associates in Uganda

UGANDA - This year 2021, the Montfortian Lay Associates (Mary Queen of All Hearts) in Uganda were privileged to meet the Superior General of the Montfort Missionaries, Fr. Luiz Augusto Stefani, SMM and his Councillor for Africa and Madagascar, Fr. Felix Mabvuto Phiri, SMM together with the representative of the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa, Fr. Jacob Ombidi Otieno, SMM who came for the Continental Mission Year for Africa and Madagascar. Their visit was to participate in the life, ministry and mission of the members of the Montfort Missionaries in Uganda...
Ms. Maria Ayebare | 27 Oct 2021

Ordination of Fr. Hironimus Edison, SMM in Ruteng Diocese, Indonesia

RUTENG, Indonesia - We received abundant blessings again as a big family of the SMM Province of Indonesia this October. Deacon Hironimus Edison, SMM, 7 deacons of the Diocese of Ruteng and 1 deacon of the CICM congregation were ordained priests on October 14, 2021. The 9 deacons were ordained by Mgr. Sincerely Cyprian at the Cathedral of the Diocese of Ruteng. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the thing to be grateful for is that the Ruteng Diocese is still getting a harvest with the ordination of 9 new priests who happen to be local sons who all come from Ruteng Diocese. We should also be grateful that the Diocese of Ruteng is one of the fertile dioceses for priestly and religious vocations. Without exception for the extended family of the SMM Province of Indonesia, especially with the ordination of Fr. Hironimus Edison, SMM, this has added the strength of the ranks of the Indonesian Province SMM clergy who came from Flores Island, NTT...

Love and Mission persevere despite pandemic restrictions on St. Thérèse’s Feast Day

MAKATI CITY, Philippines - The COVID-19 pandemic may have prevented most of us from going to church and celebrate special occasions, but it will never take away our faith. It roars on for 2 years now, but despite the restrictions, hundreds of devotees still continued to join us physically and virtually in commemorating the Feast Day of our patroness, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus last October 03, 2021, with its theme: “Parokya ng Santa Teresita, Padayon sa Hamon ng Misyon sa Panahon ng Pandemya”. The parish fiesta theme was aligned with the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines, also known as the Year of "Missio ad Gentes" (Mission to the People), which had the theme "Gifted to Give." Thousands of missionaries from all over the world have committed their lives to establish the Christian faith to our country and seeing it flourish. They were grateful for the gift of faith they had received and wanted to share it with others. This "giftedness" has encouraged generous missionaries throughout history, and it must continue to inspire us all to take part in the essence of mission to share the faith wherever we are and whatever challenges we are facing in this dire time...

Nomination of the New Director of the SMM Communications

On 19 October 2021, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General of the Company of Mary, with the consent of his Council has appointed Father Jailos Augustine MPINA, SMM from the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa, as the new Director of the SMM Communications. His mandate is effective starting from today, 19 October 2021...
SMM Communications | 20 Oct 2021

The Superior General in Mbarara, Uganda

MBARARA, Uganda - On Friday evening, the 8th of October 2021, Mbarara Montfort Missionaries community was graced with the arrival of the Superior General of our congregation, Rev. Fr. Luiz Augusto Stefani, SMM with his assistant, Fr. Felix Mabvuto, SMM and Fr. Jacob Otieno Ombidi, SMM who was representing the superior delegate of the Africa Anglophone Delegation. We really cherished this presence. He is indeed the Father at home...

A 4-Day Annual Retreat of Anglophone Africa Delegation

MANGOCHI, Malawi - Recognizing the importance of maintaining who we are as well as actualizing the spirit of ongoing conversion, Anglophone Africa General Delegation had a 4-day annual retreat, from 3rd to 7th October 2021 at the Montfort Lakehouse Namiasi, Mangochi-Malawi. Besides gathering as one family of Montfort Fathers working in Malawi, we were joined by 4 Daughters of Wisdom and 4 Lay Associates. Fr. Wismick Jean-Charles, SMM, Assistant General of the Company of Mary, passionately and joyfully facilitated the retreat on the theme: “Coming Home to our Montfortian Identity”...

The Blessing of the Parish Church: "Mary, Daughter of Nazareth"

GITEGA, Burundi - While the entire Catholic Church was celebrating “Our Lady of the Rosary”, the particular Church of the Archdiocese of Gitega, more precisely the Montfortian Parish “Mary, Daughter of Nazareth” was in great joy to welcome again Bishop Simon NTAMWANA for the blessing of the parish church whose first stone was laid by him last year in August 2020...

Indonesia Province mourns the death of Brother Piet VAN HOOF, SMM: A Missionary who changed his citizenship for the people

BANDUNG, Indonesia - On September 24, 2021, around 5:00 Western Indonesia Time (WIT), Brother Petrus (Piet) VAN HOOF, SMM breathed his last, leaving a sombre- heartbreaking mood in the province. Our confreres in the Bandung Province community held a Requiem Mass led by Fr. Niko SCHNEIDERS, SMM. Two days later, the body was flown from Jakarta to Pontianak then to Menurai for burial...

Totus Tuus Journey: Consecration of the First Batch of Filipinos at the Generalate Grotto

ROME, Italy - Sunday, 12th of September 2021, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, twenty-four lay people made their consecration to Jesus through Mary according to the teachings of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the Rite of Consecration started at 11:00 a.m. at the grotto of the Generalate in Rome. It was presided by the Assistant General, Fr. Arnold Suhardi, SMM who is also in-charge of the Commissions on Lay Associates and Spirituality in the Company of Mary...
Communications Team | 13 Sep 2021
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