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The more I am staying here, the better - Fr. Fortune, a missionary in Italy

BIANCO, Italy - For the first time, the Province of Italy received two confreres from Africa Anglophone Delegation for the “mission” in Italy. Fr. Oscar SANGWANTI, SMM and Fr. Fortune Partison GONDWE, SMM arrived in Rome on 22 March 2022 and began their Italian language study at Dante Alighieri school while staying at the Scholasticate International Community in Via Romagna. They were officially welcomed in Bianco International Community on 10th July 2022 as members of the community and pastors of Tutti i Santi (All Saints) Parish in the Diocese of Locri-Gerace in Calabria. Fr. Jailos MPINA, SMM had an interview with Fr. Fortune...

Over 50 Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel capitulants visit SMM Generalat

ROME - On 13th April 2024, at 3:45pm, 51 capitulants of the General Chapter of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel visited the community of the General house of the Montfort Missionaries in Monte Mario, Rome. They were accompanied by some members of the General house of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel and were warmly welcomed by Fr. Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, the Superior General and his council...

A Montfortian among the biblical theologians

ROME - The springtime has just begun, and anyone traveling through Europe will not miss the beautiful flowers and blooming trees and plants that make the landscapes green and heavenly. On 21 March, first day of spring, the weather in Rome was pleasant. As someone who traveled from Belgium, I found it to be a blessing and felt fortunate. The sun was shining, and the atmosphere was inviting to visit Rome and admire its historical monuments and splendid places. On this beautiful day, Fr. Alex SWAMY NATHAN, SMM defended his thesis entitled: “Where are you from? (19:9): An Exegetico-Theological Inquiry of ‘pothen’ and its Christological function in the Fourth Gospel”...

“Apostles of peace with Mary in the latter times”

SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO, Italy - From April 5 to 7, 2024, the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts, Regional Center of Trinitapoli, Italy, organized its 15th edition of the Montfortian Marian Conference in San Giovanni Rotondo, a municipality located in the province of Foggia in the Puglia Region. The city linked to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina welcomed around two hundred Montfort Associates from different regions of Italy...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 09 Apr 2024

Consecration of Montfortian Associates

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar – On Sunday, March 10, 2024, fifteen Montfortian associates had their consecration to Jesus through Mary in the parish of Saint Nom de Jésus, Andraisoro that was facilitated by the Montfort Fathers. Among the participants, eight of whom had renewed their consecration, and the remainder were received as beginners according to the rules of the Association...
Fanja RAFANOMEZANTSOA | 29 Mar 2024

Cross: You and I

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - Last March 3, 2024, Fr. Lester BONETE, SMM delivered a Lenten Recollection entitled “Cross: You and I” at Montfort Center of Spirituality in Sct. Madriñan, South Triangle, Quezon City. The event drew a significant turnout, with the room filled with eager participants awaiting their Lenten reflection...
Maricar LANSANG, AMM | 28 Mar 2024

A New Doctor in Mariology

ROME, Italy - On March 19, 2024, Fr. Fidelis Bolo WOTAN, SMM presented his doctoral dissertation at the “Pontifica Facoltà Teologica Marianum” in Rome. This confrere, usually known as Father Fidel, became one of the Doctors of Dogmatic Theology specializing in Mariology, the first Doctor of Theology specializing in Mariology from and in Indonesia...
Fr. Hiro EDISON, SMM | 25 Mar 2024

The Scholasticate of Haiti on the move due to insecurity

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - The growing insecurity which affects all sectors of the country and causes massive population displacements also has a great impact on the proper functioning of the scholasticate of the Montfort Missionaries in Haiti. Many areas in Port-au-Prince are declared lawless zones or lost territories where thousands of men, women, and children forcibly left their homes to escape violence and looting. The cul-de-sac plain in particular “Bon repos” where the scholasticate is located is one of them. It became an area which is difficult to access and depopulated due to clashes between armed groups. This situation led to internal migration where people fled their neighborhoods to places that are more peaceful and secure. The Montfortian Scholasticate was not spared...

SMM Philippine Delegation Convenes to Set Priorities for 2024

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – In a harmonious gathering from February 19 to 21, 2024, the Montfort Missionaries Philippine Delegation gathered at their delegation house in Mariana, Quezon City. The purpose of this gathering primarily revolved around two pivotal agendas: firstly, a comprehensive assessment of priorities for the year 2024, along with a review of those established in 2023; and secondly, the planning of specific programs for the next 6 to 7 years in response to the General Chapter of 2023. These programs are based on three themes: identity, evangelization, transmission of charism, ongoing formation, and a culture of planning...

Indonesian Provincial Chapter

MALANG, Indonesia - Starting from February 18, 2024, the Provincial Chapter of the Montfort Missionaries in Indonesia took place. The Chapter, which lasted for six days, was held in the house that had just been blessed on February 16. It is located in the complex of Montfort Seminary in Malang and it is called “House of Wisdom”. The following is a sharing about the chapter sent by the secretariat of this chapter...
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