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ROME – “Father Olivier Maire (…) welcomed a brother by forgiving his past and embracing him without making calculations, desiring only to give him love, with maternal tenderness. We really need to learn to love like this, to grow in this love". Following this mention of Fr. Oliver MAIRE, SMM made by Pope Francis during the audience of May 20, the “Osservatore Romano” asked Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM, for the following testimony about our confrere, publishing it under the title "The welcoming smile of Olivier Maire, a missionary until the end"...
On 18 May 2023, Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council (Const. 229), designated Father Marco PASINATO, SMM as Vicar General of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary...
ROME - The last day is opened as usual with Eucharistic Adoration from 7:30 to 8 am, followed by breakfast...
ROME - The Congregation has no particular “coat of arms”, but there is a seal, which shows the symbols of its spirituality. Currently it is included in the Home page of the WEBSITE as the Logo of the Congregation...
It was a day full of emotions, first of all, when we met the parents and the family of Fr. Olivier MAIRE, SMM. Some members of the General Administrations of the Daughters of Wisdom and the Brothers of Saint Gabriel also arrived...
We are really at the end and Saturday and Sunday will be special days.
After the prayer, Fr. Jean Claude draws the map of these three days and invites us to live them fully as we have done so far.
Directed by our leader, Fr. Jean Claude, who does not give up, the morning was busy to complete some work: we can clearly see that the conclusion of the chapter is imminent.
At the beginning of our day, Father General rightly reminded us that the Chapter does not end with the election of the new Council! So, let's get to work! Fr. Jean Claude LAVIGNE, our facilitator, takes the reins and immediately puts us to work.
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