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At the beginning of our day, Father General rightly reminded us that the Chapter does not end with the election of the new Council! So, let's get to work! Fr. Jean Claude LAVIGNE, our facilitator, takes the reins and immediately puts us to work.
ROME - The General Chapter experienced another important day today: the choice of the four confreres who, together with the Superior General, will animate our Congregation for the next six years. Prepared with care spiritually but also technically, the election took place in an atmosphere of fraternity and serenity, also respecting the criteria that have emerged in recent days...
Meeting together in Rome, the 53 capitulants of the General Chapter of the Company of Mary have elected four new General Assistants...
After a day of break, the third week of work for our Chapter begins with the approval to move forward with the project of the IMA Fund to give substance to what was discussed on Saturday.
ROME - It's a bit surprising that the full name of the Superior General of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary who was just elected on May 9, comes in five words: Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma Watun. But isn't the name of the Founder of this Missionary Society also made up of five words: Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, according to his name found in his Testament and on one of his epitaphs, namely the one that is written in Latin? The similarity in the number of words in these names is coincidental. It's clear. However, a name often contains a meaning. Pay attention...
ROME - Memory of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima. It is our Portuguese confreres who animate the prayer times of the day. At 9:00 a.m., Fr. Dwi announces the birthday of our precious secretary Fr. Louis-Paul SAINT-LAURENT, 52 years old. Best wishes...
What are the feelings that inhabit your heart the days after your election as 23rd successor of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort?
Today's agenda is not going according to plan, but according to new developments that have arisen along the way. But let's go in order.
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