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LEUVEN, Belgium - With the Mass on September 8 which was celebrated in the great Church of Saint Peter and was followed by the renewal of the baptismal promises of all the participants, the confreres of the community of Kessel-Lo launched the initiative “On the road with Montfort”. Its aim is to create a movement that can reach young students and interest them in our Montfortian spirituality from the region of Leuven...
FATIMA, Portugal - The Marian Days with Montfort were held once again on October 26th and 27th, with the theme “The Virgin Mary, praying woman”. The meeting that was organized by the Montfort Missionaries, under the responsibility of SMM Fathers Carlos VIEIRA, Luís OLIVEIRA and Luís FERREIRA, was held in Fátima...
On 10 October 2024, Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father Federick Bonifacio YUMANG , SMM, as Superior of the General Delegation of Philippines for a mandate of three years.
GENK, Belgium - We take pride in what our confreres have accomplished in the Diocese of Hasselt. We are well known for our popular mission preaching, moving from parish to parish. We share a close bond with this diocese, as many of our confreres have collaborated with the local church, serving as parish priests in numerous parishes...
LILONGWE, Malawi - From the 21st of September to the 5th of October, the superior general of the Montfort Missionaries, Fr. Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM visited Malawi one of the countries composing the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa. This was the first journey to the entity for Fr. Dwi since he assumed office as the Superior general....
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - On Sunday, December 13, 2024, at the Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort Parish in Delmas, the diaconal ordination of two Montfort brothers and one Spiritan took place: Brothers Max Alfred Stanley MONTFORT, Cyril Saint Jean, and Vilner MORTUMAT. This ordination was celebrated by Monsignor Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, SMM, ....
VILLA MONTFORT, CUMARAL META, Colombia - From August 26 to 31, 2024, we Montfortians of Colombia lived the beautiful experience of our annual Spiritual Retreat. The goal we set for ourselves this year was to live an experience that helps us, as Montfortians of Colombia, to make the decision to "return to first love".
ROME, Italie - Le 14 octobre 2024, les Jeunes Montfortains travaillant en Europe (JME) ont tenu leur première réunion en ligne. Comme recommandé par le Chapitre général 2023 dans la section « Transmission du charisme », cette rencontre, animée par l'administration générale, a pour objectif de promouvoir l'entraide entre les jeunes missionnaires d'un même continent, ...
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