ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - “How beautiful it is to see running over the mountains the messenger who announces peace, the messenger of the good news who announces salvation, the one who comes to speak to the holy city; "He is king, your God".” (Is 52,7)...
On 20 April 2021, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council (C 215), has appointed Father Michael Sahayaraj JAMES, SMM as Superior of the Vice Province of India for a mandate “ad interim”...
KISANGANI, RDC - On Wednesday, 7th April 2021, his Excellency Marcel Utembi Tapa, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kisangani / DR Congo, presided over the Holy Mass at Saint Paul Apostle Parish (in Kisangani). During the Eucharistic Celebration, there was the diaconal ordination of the three brothers: Robert Natutwande, Elisée Kambale and Ignace Messinou. All of them are Montfort Missionaries of the Company of Mary and members of the General Delegation of Francophone Africa / GDFA. The first two are Congolese, while the third is a Togolese (the very first time to have a Togolese deacon in our Entity)...
CARPI, Italy - During a private audience with Pope Francis, the Italian writer Elisabetta RONCHETTI (54) had the opportunity to speak about Montfort. This enthusiasm for Montfort recently materialized in a book for teens: "The Love of Wisdom. A boy seeks the secret of life”, Edition Messaggero Padova, 2019...
MANGOCHI, Malawi - On 24th March 2021, the confreres of the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa working in Malawi had a one-day colloquium on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) that was facilitated by Fr. Steve Mukusa, SMM. In his sessions, Fr. Steve, who is the promoter of JPIC in our entity, invited all the members who attended this workshop to collaborate with God and each other in our effort to fulfil the fundamental role of caring for our surrounding environment. His input largely drew insights from the Scriptures and other Church documents, as they provide the foundations of the Commission on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation...
MANGOCHI, Malawi - Every human needs a sense of belonging, being understood and feeling loved. Realising these imperative concepts, Anglophone Africa General delegation gathered from 23rd to 26th March, 2021 to cheer each other up, giving morale to the beautiful apostolates each is doing so as to bond and understand each other well for the betterment of the mission of the Lord. Aside of bonding, the gathering was also complemented with the workshop which Fr. Steve Mukusa SMM gave on justice, peace and the integrity of creation, a training he himself got from the meeting he attended in Rome in 2019. In his presentation, Fr. Steve emphasised the need for all members in the delegation to care for all creatures heeding to the encyclical, Laudato Si which pope Francis promulgated in 2013. All members concurred with the presentation that, no matter how minute we may contribute to improving our environment, it would matter a lot. “As all members try each day to live their religious calling in view of the three vows and the law of love, they should also remember to put creation to heart”, Fr Steve said...
KISANGANI, RDC - On the Feast of the Annunciation, the General Delegation of Francophone Africa celebrated Mass with the Montfortian family. The Mass began at 4:40 pm and was presided by Father Constantin, the Delegation Superior...
RUTENG, Indonesia - On the occasion of the Solemnity of the Annunciation of Mary this year, 15 young men began their novitiate year. They officially entered in their initial formation in the Company of Mary through a rite presided by Fr. Kristianus Jumi Ngampu, SMM, on behalf of the Provincial Superior of Indonesia, Fr. Antonius Tensi, SMM. It was done during the morning prayer at the main chapel of the Novisiat Montfortan, Labe, Carep, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia...