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On 11 June 2024, Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father Guelord ASEME MUKE, SMM, as Superior of the General Delegation of Francophone Africa for a second mandate of three years...
KISANGANI, DRC - After three days of retreat, the Montfort missionaries of the General Delegation of Africa Francophone gathered in a General Assembly with the Superior General and the General Councilor in charge of Africa this Thursday, August 29. After an opening prayer, Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM made an introduction to launch the meeting. In his speech, the Superior General echoed the words of the retreat preacher, showing the need to let ourselves be guided by the Spirit so that we can truly be liberos. He also emphasized earlier during the Mass that the Assembly must be prophetic and charismatic. A charismatic Assembly is one that is led by prayer. He invited the participants in this Assembly that they must be animated by the gentleness and the tenderness of Jesus...
KISANGANI, DRC - In order to recharge spiritually after a long time of apostolic work, the Montfort Missionaries of the General Delegation of Francophone Africa (GDFA) withdrew for three days, from 26th to 28th August 2024, at Kisangani (DRC) to make an annual retreat, also with the aim of entering the General Assembly of the Entity. Indeed, this moment of retreat was very nourishing for each retreatant. The very rich teachings of Mgr. Léonard, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Kisangani, enabled each participant to emerge from this retreat with a new lease of life for the Montfort – ecclesial mission. During these three days, Mgr. Léonard developed five themes...
FATIMA, Portugal – Éditions Saint Paul has published the book of Fr. Manuel VIEIRA, SMM with the title: Between chains and flowers - The secret of the Consecration of Saint Louis de Montfort or Saint Slavery. In his book’s introduction, Father Vieira explains: “Montfort did not want to base the spiritual proposition of consecration on his own ideas and his devotion. He knew very well that the word perfection had no model on earth, which is why, from the first hour, he decided that his creature – “his consecration” - could only be born from Above...
BANDUNG, Indonesia – The members of three Montfortian Congregations and their respective Associates (Daughters of Wisdom and Friends of Wisdom, Montfort Missionaries and Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH), Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Montfortian Gabrielite Associates) in Southeast Asia and Oceania feel the need to meet regularly to get to know each other, share and collaborate in deepening and spreading the charism and spirituality of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort through concrete initiatives...
LIMA, Peru - On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Canonization of Father de Montfort, the Montfortian Scholasticate held a retreat to prepare for the renewal of temporary vows in the retreat house ‘San Martin de Porres’ (formerly the Foyer of Charity) from July 19-21, 2024...
PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea - The Montfortian Family in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) had a memorable pilgrimage on Saturday, July 20, 2024. Gladly rejoicing, around 60 participants from the Montfort Associates, the Junior Friends of Montfort, the Montfort Missionaries of the Company of Mary and the Daughters of Wisdom took part in the event. The pilgrimage started at 8:00AM from St. Martin de Porres Parish, at Morata (a parish of Montfort Missionaries work), covering four parishes within the Archdiocese of Port Moresby and ended at 12:30PM...
BOMANA, Papua New Guinea - On 11th July 2024, the two scholastics, Bro. Majoric MANIRAMBOGOYE, SMM and Bro. Bienvenu LUKINU OWANGA, SMM, defended their thesis for the completion of their theological studies at Catholic Theological Institute in Bomana, Papua New Guinea...
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