MBARARA, Uganda - Our Confreres living in Kenya and Uganda had their annual retreat last April 28 to May 03, 2019...
LOURDES, France – On April 27 to May 3, 2019, the 71st Montfortian Pilgrimage took place in Lourdes. During the opening Mass...
BELGIUM - The second article of the series “Montfort EurHope” is about the self-presentation of Ghislain KASEREKA, a...
PAIPA, Colombia - A training session on the protection of minors and vulnerable adults was held in Paipa, Colombia from April 23 to...
FRANCE – “Who am I?” This was the theme of the Montfortian International Formation (MIF) during its first week session held on April 15...
SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SÈVRE, France - Palm Sunday, April 14, 2019, was the official opening day of the Montfortian International...