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FRANCE – “Who am I?” This was the theme of the Montfortian International Formation (MIF) during its first week session held on April 15...
SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SÈVRE, France - Palm Sunday, April 14, 2019, was the official opening day of the Montfortian International...
SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SÈVRE, France – On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, it was a day full of joy for the International Community of...
MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France - "My happiness is the other!" This was the theme of Mr. Grégoire Ahongbonon's fascinating...
MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France - Do Montfort Missionaries still have a common identity? If so, what is it?...
NICARAGUA - As part of the 2019 Continental Montfortian Missionary Year, we, the Montfortians in Nicaragua, have the joy and privilege of having with us, from March 12 to April 1, 2019, Father Wismick Jean-Charles, Assistant...
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