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ZOMBA, Malawi - During the solemnity of the Annunciation on the 25th of March, 2019, the Montfort Fathers and the Daughters of Wisdom converged at Stima Parish in Zomba Diocese to celebrate the occasion and also to...
ZOMBA, Malawi - The rains of terror which have hit the Southern region of Malawi from the 4th day of March this year have caused havoc to lives of people and loss of properties...
ROME - The Commission on Montfortian Spirituality holds a six-day meeting at the General House in Rome that started on the 18th day of March 2019. It is scheduled to end on Saturday, March 23, 2019...
NAIROBI, Kenya - The General Council has approved three Africa Anglophone confreres namely Brs. Bernard Maganga, SMM, Damian Abraham, SMM and Innocent Mwanoka, SMM for Perpetual Profession...
Brazil - On Saturday, February 10, 2019, Fr. Luizinho and I had the opportunity to visit Sítio Agar, a mission initiated and still led by Brother Antonius (Antonio) Van Noije, SMM. He founded this institution in 1993...
In accordance with the sixth challenge of the Acts of the General Chapter of 2017, namely the challenge of a style of governance adapted to the realities of the Congregation and the world which requires fostering of "a physica...
ÑAÑA, Peru - On Monday, the 28th day of January, the confreres of the Peru-Brazil Delegation and the Daughters of Wisdom of the Perú-Argentina-Ecuador Delegation gathered in the "San Luis de Monfort"...
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