MANAKARA, Madagascar - The Father Superior of Madagascar Entity, Fr. Bruno, had taken the opportunity to visit our colleagues working in the South-East of Madagascar (in Mananjary) after the passage of cyclone Batsirai. It should be noted that, by the grace of God, the two confreres on site are doing well (Fr. Jean Baptiste and Fr. Solofo Victor). Father Bruno, on this occasion, visited his family, not far from Mananjary, in Manakara: “It was a great joy to meet again”. Batsirai is a very intense cyclone which caused enormous damage. What is observed first is the absence of roofs on nearly nine out of ten houses. Hard dwellings have seen their sheet metal roofs torn off...

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On the 3rd of October 2021, the postulant community of Andraisoro-Antananarivo had the joy of welcoming seven new young men from all over the country, wishing to respond to the call of Christ through the Montfortian charism and spirituality...

MADAGASCAR – In this month of August, the Vice-Province of Madagascar of the Montfort Missionaries experienced the joy of the priestly ordination of its two members. The first was the ordination of RAMANANDRAIBE Solofoniaina Victor (Solofo) which took place on August 8, 2021, in Ambatomarina, during a solemn Mass presided over by H.E. Mgr. RAKOTONARIVO Fidélis, bishop of the diocese of Ambositra. Father Solofo was ordained here with four other deacons from this diocese...

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - “How beautiful it is to see running over the mountains the messenger who announces peace, the messenger of the good news who announces salvation, the one who comes to speak to the holy city; "He is king, your God".” (Is 52,7)...

Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - From 20 to 22 November 2018 the annual meeting of the vice-province of Madagascar took place in Antananarivo, the capital of the country. Twenty-seven confreres with perpetual vows who...

MADAGASCAR - The date of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin is a day that always gives joy to the Montfortian family: 25-year jubilee celebration of the religious life of three Daughters of Wisdom and profession of first vows of...

MADAGASCAR - After visiting the Democratic Republic of Congo (late May) and Malawi (early July), the last destination of my visit was Madagascar. I was there from August 1st to 18th, 2018. The program of my visit has been...

MADAGASCAR : Jubilee of Priestly Ordination