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Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) Batch 28 successfully consecrated at Archdiocesan Shrine

CEBU CITY, Philippines - The Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Punta Princesa, Labangon, Cebu City witnessed a significant event on Friday, September 15, 2023, as Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) Batch 28 celebrated their Consecration Day. Amidst a group of forty-seven (47) initial registrants, an impressive thirty-seven (37) participants successfully completed the rigorous thirty-three (33) day program...

Renewal of Religious Profession of Vows

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - On August 1, 2023, at 5:00 PM, a momentous event took place at the SMM Delegation House Chapel as the religious community gathered to celebrate the renewal of vows on the memorial of St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Led by Rev. Fr. Norwyn V. BAYDO, SMM, and accompanied by other Montfortian priests, the ceremony held deep spiritual significance for all in attendance...

SMM Philippines welcomes New Novices

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - On July 31, 2023, a serene morning at 6:30 AM marked the commencement of the Novitiate Program at the SMM Delegation House with a soulful morning prayer led by Rev. Fr. Norwyn V. BAYDO, SMM, the Philippine Delegation Superior and Rev. Fr. Paul Arnel L. LUCERO, SMM, the Novice Master. The prayerful atmosphere set the tone for the significant event that followed. The Rite of Entrance to the Novitiate Program took place, welcoming two new novices, Jessie James DATULAYTA and Jay Birte CUMALING, into the SMM community...

Totus Tuus Journey Batch 26 in Cebu, Philippines

MINGLANILLA, Cebu - On Sunday, July 16, 2023, a significant milestone was reached as Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) Batch 26 completed their thirty-three-day session and underwent the Consecration Day at Montfort Cebu Mission House, Lower Calajoan. The journey began with forty-seven enthusiastic participants, and after weeks of spiritual growth and dedication, forty individuals successfully completed the program...

Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) Batch 26 launched at Montfort Cebu Mission House

CEBU CITY, Philippines - On June 11, 2023, Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) Batch 26 was officially launched at the Montfort Cebu Mission House in Lower Calajoan, Minglanilla, Cebu City. This 33-day journey marks a significant step in the participants' preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, as outlined by St. Louis-Marie de Montfort. The program aims to renew the participants' baptismal promises and deepen their spiritual commitment...


CEBU CITY, Philippines - Last December 4, 2022, a gift-giving and feeding program was conducted at Kabangkalan, Tuburan, Cebu City, the current mission area of the Itinerant Mission Team of Montfort Missionaries, namely Fr. Lester C. BONETE, SMM and Fr. Ronald B. BARUELA, SMM. It was indeed a grace-filled moment for the community of Kabangkalan as they entered the Second Sunday of Advent and heard the voice of John the Baptist saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near…Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Mt. 3:2-3)...

Perpetual Profession of Bros. Armel and Samuel, SMM

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - In celebration of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Scholastics Armel R. COLLANTES, SMM and Samuel M. GONZALES, SMM made their perpetual profession of the religious vows in the Congregation of the Company of Mary, in the chapel of Mary, Queen of All Hearts at Montfort Center for Spirituality in Sct. Madriñan, West Triangle, Diliman, Quezon City...

Totus Tuus Journey Launched in the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – With its aim to spread the Montfortian spirituality on the island of Mindanao, and to reciprocate the positive response of Archbishop Jose CABANTAN, D.D., the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, to prepare the legionaries to consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary, the Philippine Delegation of Montfort Missionaries through the Montfort Center of Spirituality...
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