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Weekend of Marian and Montfortian Spirituality

LORETO, Italy - From September 15 to 17, the meeting that was organized by the Italian Province and directed by Fr. Giuseppe DAMINELLI, SMM, provincial councilor in charge of the spirituality commission, resumed in Loreto after the suspension due to the pandemic. The recipients are all those who have chosen Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort as their spiritual master and for those who wish to know him or embark on the path of holiness traced by him...

350 Pilgrims visit D’Oppe Grotto

BELGIUM - In an era marked by heightened ecological awareness and a deep sense of responsibility for our planet, we, as Christians, have reason to take pride in the environmentally friendly settings of Marian pilgrimage sites. Many of these sacred places are situated in serene, secluded locations that harmoniously coexist with nature...
Fr. Jan, SMM | 13 Oct 2023

Spiritual Retreat in Loreto

LORETO, Italy - From September 10 to 14, the spiritual retreat for the confreres of the Italian Province took place in Loreto, in the house which was the Montfortian scholasticate for thirty years and presently belongs to the Salesians. The retreat, led by Father Giovanni GIOVE, priest of the diocese of Altamura (Bari), saw the participation of around twenty confreres, including scholastics, aspirants from Croatia and some members of the General Curia...

Profession of Temporary and Perpetual Vows followed by Diaconal Ordination

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - If Hope dies, could it be reborn? In Haiti, there are many reasons that tend to make any shred of hope disappear because of the country's situation. However, God, Master of history, never ceases to raise glimmers of hope in the very heart of these human events, so that in the night of this world which fears risk and the definitive, the light of his Kingdom and its Justice...

Opening of the Initial Formation Year in Kisangani

KISANGANI, D.R. Congo - Saturday, September 23, 2023 marked the opening day of the initial formation year 2023-2024 for the Montfortian Postulate of Kisangani in D.R. Congo (Providence House-Deo Soli). It was preceded by a 6-day spiritual retreat and the facilitator was Father Jean Trésor BAFENGO, SMM, the parish priest of the Saint Paul Apostle/Kibibi parish...
Abdias MUBANZO | 02 Oct 2023

Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) Batch 28 successfully consecrated at Archdiocesan Shrine

CEBU CITY, Philippines - The Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Punta Princesa, Labangon, Cebu City witnessed a significant event on Friday, September 15, 2023, as Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) Batch 28 celebrated their Consecration Day. Amidst a group of forty-seven (47) initial registrants, an impressive thirty-seven (37) participants successfully completed the rigorous thirty-three (33) day program...

Delegation of Anglophone Africa Prepostulancy Community welcomes 11 candidates

BALAKA, Malawi - Saturday, 09 September was a jubilant day to the Br. Mathurin pre-postulancy community of the delegation of Anglophone Africa as it welcomed 11 candidates into the formation program. The welcoming Mass was presided over by Fr. Paul Lonely MASHONGA, SMM, general assistant from the delegation of Anglophone. He was assisted by a number of priests from the communities in Balaka...

Two new novices in the Province of Italy

SANTERAMO, Italy - “Dearest brothers, what are you asking? »: it was with these words that Fr. Luciano NEMBRINI, SMM, the Novices Master, addressed Marcin and Mateusz during the brief rite of initiation into religious life. And Marcin and Mateusz responded: “We ask you to live your life, during a period of trial, in the desire to perfectly follow Christ, Wisdom Incarnate, according to the charism of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary”...

2nd Gathering of TOTUS TUUS in Ipatinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil

MINAS GERAIS, Brazil - On Saturday, 9th September 2023, the long-awaited 2nd Gathering of Totus Tuus was held in the cozy city of Ipatinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was organized by a laity, Mrs. Rosearia – famously known as “Rose” who was consecrated to Jesus through Mary, according to the method of St. Louie-Marie de Montfort. She is a woman who is well known for her dedication in the church and in various church activities...
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