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TAMILNADU, India - St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort being the patron of Preachers, had been the best model for erecting Calvary, carving, painting, etc, as a sign of exposing his utmost love to God alone. So also I am proud to be his ardent follower in every walk of my life, in the similar stream of his spirit in the assigned ....
TAMILNADU, India - Ponnusangampatty is one of the substations of Puthanatham Parish which consists of 10 catholic families. It was an abandoned substation until Montfortians entered. Nonetheless, the substation too was blessed with the privilege of commemorating its 25 years and the renovated chapel. The Jubilee spiritual preparation began with Triduum with the spirited cooperation of the Rosary boys and all the faithful....
BANGALORE, India - Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from trouble and gathered in from the lands, from the east, from the west, from the north and the south. On the 3rd of January 2023, the Maria Bhavan...
BANGALORE, India - “It is through the most Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ came into the world, and it is also through her that he will reign in the world,” says St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, our founder, and it’s through the blessing of Mother Mary that the Montfort Missionaries were led to India in 1973. It’s a land, where one experiences the divine milieu in cities and villages alike...
BANGALORE, India - Yuva Milana is the gathering of the brothers from all the formation houses of the vice-province of India. It is the time that all the students from the different communities await to gather to participate and enjoy the presence of the others from the same congregation. This year, the Yuva milana (gathering of the young) took place in Maria Bhavan, the mother house of Montfort Missionaries, India on 22nd and 23rd of October 2022 with lot of enthusiasm. It is a two-day programme which was conducted with all the activities, spiritual, physical, intellectual and cultural...
BENGALURU, India - On 16 October 2022, the IMMC, entitled: “LISTENING FOR LIFE: The Share of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in the Healing Power of Listening”, was inaugurated by invoking the Holy Spirit. Maria Bhavan Brothers sang a hymn to the Holy Spirit. Followed by the MC of the day Bro. Abhi, SMM on behalf of the Marian Centre-Bangaluru, invited Fr. Deepak JOSEPH, SMM to welcome the entire assembly along with the dignitaries (about 300 persons consist of Priests, Religious and the Montfort Associates). The resource persons were welcomed with a shawl and a garland by the Director of Marian Centre...
GURU MANDIR, India - This year 2022, the Guru Mandir community has witnessed once again a great blessing from the Almighty through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Favours. From the time we renovated the grotto of Our Lady of Favours, numerous miracles have taken place...
BANGALORE, India - It was a long-awaited dream come true! To prepare the first batch of Montfort Associates for their Total Consecration to Jesus through the hands of Mary has been a great challenge. We, the Marian Centre team, met and planned accordingly for the 33 days of Montfortian Retreat or the Totus Tuus Journey (TTJ) in view of the Consecration of our lay associates which is the necessary element for their identity as Montfort Associates and collaborators in our Mission...
MYSORE, India - The long-awaited house for the senior confreres of the Indian Vice-Province was blessed by Father Peter MASCARENHAS, SMM, the Provincial of Indian Vice-Province on 20 April 2022. It was providence for the Indian Province to have such a house to care for the elderly and sick priests with love...
BANGALORE, India - Lent is a season of grace. In order to receive the grace, one needs to empty all the unwanted things from the heart. So that the faithful can prepare well to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on the Easter Sunday. The Catholic Church in India takes much interest in organizing retreats, confessions and Way of the Cross meaningfully with fasting, prayers, abstinences of eating meat, egg and consumption of alcohol. The Montfortians in India especially in the southern part take up Lenten retreats both individually and as a group to preach retreats to the faithful in the parishes. The Montfortians preach Lenten retreats and spread the devotion to Mary to the faithful in the parishes. These retreats are giving the Montfortians a new identity among the faithful. Many who did not know about Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort are coming to know our spirituality through these retreats...
S. PUDUR, India - From the first book of Genesis to the last book of Revelation, the Bible begins and ends with the mission. Mission is the human association with the one who is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. Therefore, mission includes always God in which people are associated with God’s plan. Bible and the mission are closely connected. In S. Pudur, the faith of the people existed in this region for 400 years. It is a part of Kumbakonam Diocese. Previously, this parish belonged to Vadagari which is our neighbouring parish. From that main parish, S. Pudur was bifurcated. Before S. Pudur was raised to a parish, people had to go all the way to Vadagari parish which is about 14 km from the main parish for their spiritual, economical, pastoral and psychological needs. To meet the present day needs of these believers, S. Pudur was separated from the mother parish and erected to the status as parish on 16th July 1998, by Emeritus Rt. Rev Peter Remigius, the Bishop of Kumbakonam. After which, this parish was entrusted to our congregation...
BENGALURU, India - The opening of the Asia-Oceania Continental Assembly was held on the 6th of March, 2022 at Maria Bhavan, Bangalore. Along with this event, the silver jubilee of religious profession of three Montfortian confreres, namely Frs. Francis BULIPE, Reny JOSEPH and Mohan VINCENT was also celebrated. Around 250 participants attended the remarkable and memorable event, constituting of the religious from the neighborhood, Montfortian Associates, members and well-wishers of the jubilarians and the members of the Montfortian family...
BANGALORE, India- The Church in Asia, seeks to walk with all brothers and sisters in faithfulness to her Lord, united through different cultures, traditions and spiritualties. St. John Paul speaking of his experience of Asian Church says: ''Church in Asia needs a true missionary spirituality of prayer and contemplation''. Indeed, the ...
GURUMANDIR, MYSORE - India: Gurumandir which means “the temple of the master” (the minor seminary of the Indian Vice-Province) witnessed a fourfold celebration on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2022 in Mysore, Karnataka, India. On the first day, we had three celebrations together which was organized in our minor seminary in the ...
KANATHI, India - Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort wrote in his letter, “I have done all God asked me to do for them in a spirit of love.” (L-20)

Making the First Religious Profession is something that gives immense joy. Certainly, it is true as we, the 7 novices, experienced that wonderful feeling when we made our First Profession. As our Holy Founder states in his letter, we could experience that same spirit of love while professing our vows. The joy of entering a new life and becoming a member of a new family was experienced by each one of us. We feel protected as we entrusted ourselves into the hands of Mary and made our Profession. We are also proud of being Montfortians by living our lives with the spirit of our Holy Founder, St. Louis-Marie de Montfort...
TAMIL NADU, India - Every house is built by someone but the builder of all things is God alone. It is a dream come true for...
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