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Opening of the Chapter of the SMM Province of Indonesia

MALANG, Indonesia - 2023 is important year for the SMM Province of Indonesia because in this year we take the first stage of the Provincial Chapter that determines the direction of our journey. The Chapter meeting has started on Tuesday, January 10 and will continue to January 13, 2023 at the Hermanas Carmelitas Malang Prayer House owned by the H. Carm Sisters...

New Evangelization and Modernity

BERGAMO, Italy – Father Battista CORTINOVIS, SMM at the age of 80 is always a dynamic director of “The Apostle of Mary” in Italy, a Montfortian Marian and Missionary Magazine that stands out for its international scope and its attention to the themes of modernity. Recently, he published this article on the new evangelization in Europe which can interest our reflection in all latitudes of the world...

The Message for the Golden Jubilee Year of India

BANGALORE, India - “It is through the most Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ came into the world, and it is also through her that he will reign in the world,” says St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, our founder, and it’s through the blessing of Mother Mary that the Montfort Missionaries were led to India in 1973. It’s a land, where one experiences the divine milieu in cities and villages alike...

Walking Together - A Shared Missionary Experience

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea - One of the most intimate opportunities inscribed in the heart of every Montfortian missionary, those among others who work together in PNG, is the authentic sharing of missionary life. This was keenly felt on Friday, December 16, 2022, as part of an Entity Assembly in Port Moresby. Every missionary who works in this country known especially as the homeland of a certain species of "bird of paradise", has had the opportunity to express what he had in his heart filled with simplicity and brotherly love...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 19 Dec 2022
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