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CEBU CITY, Philippines - Last December 4, 2022, a gift-giving and feeding program was conducted at Kabangkalan, Tuburan, Cebu City, the current mission area of the Itinerant Mission Team of Montfort Missionaries, namely Fr. Lester C. BONETE, SMM and Fr. Ronald B. BARUELA, SMM. It was indeed a grace-filled moment for the community of Kabangkalan as they entered the Second Sunday of Advent and heard the voice of John the Baptist saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near…Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Mt. 3:2-3)...

The Montfortian Community in Poland

CZĘSTOCHOWA, Poland - Last November 22, at Częstochowa, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, represented by their Vicar General, Br. Dionigi TAFFARELLO, and the Montfort Missionaries of the Italian Province, represented by the Provincial Fr. Mario BELOTTI, SMM and the bursar, Fr. Angelo SORTI, SMM, signed the deed of transfer of ownership of a house located at about two kilometers away from the Holy Cross Basilica where the most famous icon of the Black Madonna is kept and venerated...

Consecration for 18 Montfort Associates

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On December 4, 2022, after a month of preparation, “Montfortian month”, 18 lay people; members of the Associate Marie Reine des Cœurs Antsobolo, joyfully and courageously made their consecration to Jesus through the hands of Mary. The gracious occasion took place at the Immaculate Conception Antsobolo parish where the Montfortians work...

PNG Delegation prepares for the Closing Events of the Continental Mission Year

PORT MORESBY, PNG - On Friday, December 2, 2022, the confreres at the Montfortian Formation House of Bomana, and several parishioners and confreres at the Saint Martin de Porres Parish in Morata, all in Port Moresby, got up early and got busy to organize everything to welcome a Montfortian Delegation that landed at the airport of the capital city of Papua New Guinea. There was the Assistant General, Fr. Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, SMM who came from Rome and Fr. Shibi, SMM (Councillor, representing Fr. Peter MASCARENHAS, SMM, the Vice-Provincial) who came from Bangalore...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 05 Dec 2022

A Call from Medjugorje

MEDJUGORJE, Bosnia and Herzegovina - The "Totus Tuus" Spiritual Center of the Association "Mary Queen of All Hearts" of Trinitapoli (Italy), is located in Medjugorje and was created by the Decree of the Superior General of July 2, 2020 with the authorization of Bishop Henryk HOSER, the Apostolic Visitor, with the ordinary functions of the site...

Assembly of Lay Associates of Madagascar with the General Council

TAMATAVE, Madagascar - « Feno fiderana Anao izahay ry Ray ô.. Noho ny soa sesehena ‘zay nafafinao ho anay..misaotra Anao re… » literally meaning “We praise You Lord and give You thanks for all Your benefits...”. This is the song which the members of the Montfortian Lay associates known as Association Marie Reine des Cœurs (AMRC) of Madagascar welcomed the Superior General, Fr. Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, and the Assistant General responsible for Africa-Madagascar, Fr. Félix Mabvuto PHIRI, SMM, on Friday, November 04, 2022 at the Sacred Heart Parish in Tamatave, Madagascar...

Montfortian Marian Days

FÁTIMA, Portugal - On October 22 and 23, after the suspension due to Covid 19, the Marian Montfortian Days returned. The meeting organized by the Montfort Missionaries, mainly by Fathers Carlos VIEIRA, Luís OLIVEIRA and Amílcar TAVARES, took place at the Conceptionist Sisters of Fatima...
Paulo VICTORIA | 11 Nov 2022

Canonical Visit of the General with the Lay Associates in Madagascar

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - It was a great pleasure that marked the meeting between the members of the Montfortian Lay associates known as Association Marie Reine des Cœurs (AMRC) of Antsobolo and the Superior General, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, and the Assistant General, Father Felix Mabvuto PHIRI, SMM on Thursday afternoon, October 20, 2022. Another meeting of AMRC of Andraisoro was on Sunday, October 23, 2022...

Montfort Yuva Milana 2022 in the vice province of India

BANGALORE, India - Yuva Milana is the gathering of the brothers from all the formation houses of the vice-province of India. It is the time that all the students from the different communities await to gather to participate and enjoy the presence of the others from the same congregation. This year, the Yuva milana (gathering of the young) took place in Maria Bhavan, the mother house of Montfort Missionaries, India on 22nd and 23rd of October 2022 with lot of enthusiasm. It is a two-day programme which was conducted with all the activities, spiritual, physical, intellectual and cultural...
Fr. Prem KUMAR, SMM | 31 Oct 2022
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