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Follow-up Meeting of SMM Missionaries from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

MARIENHEIDE, Germany - From April 4 to 6, 2022, after being postponed several times due to Covid-19 measures, a follow-up meeting of the young missionaries from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands (BDNL) finally took place. This time in the monastery in Marienheide, Germany. Present were: Aimé, Nepo and Ghislain from Belgium, Jesu Manickam, Francis, Anand, Rayappa and Ravi from Germany and Stefan and Charles from the Netherlands. Fr. Peter DENNEMAN, SMM (sup. NL) and Fr. Gerd-Willi BERGERS, SMM (sup. D) were present as facilitators, as well as Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM of the General Council from Rome...
Vroenhof (NL) | 26 Apr 2022

Montfortian Lenten Preaching in India

BANGALORE, India - Lent is a season of grace. In order to receive the grace, one needs to empty all the unwanted things from the heart. So that the faithful can prepare well to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on the Easter Sunday. The Catholic Church in India takes much interest in organizing retreats, confessions and Way of the Cross meaningfully with fasting, prayers, abstinences of eating meat, egg and consumption of alcohol. The Montfortians in India especially in the southern part take up Lenten retreats both individually and as a group to preach retreats to the faithful in the parishes. The Montfortians preach Lenten retreats and spread the devotion to Mary to the faithful in the parishes. These retreats are giving the Montfortians a new identity among the faithful. Many who did not know about Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort are coming to know our spirituality through these retreats...
Fr. Prem KUMAR, SMM | 20 Apr 2022

Pray and Walk Together

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On Saturday before Palm Sunday, it was the right time that the AMRC of Antsobolo and that of Andraisoro, both based in Antananarivo, had chosen to carry out the pilgrimage as we usually do to mark the Lenten season. Thus, we specifically chose the Sisters of Our Lady of the Cenacle’s convent in Soavimbahoaka. It is a beautiful place, wonderful and above all quiet, thanks to its surroundings immersed in nature full of beauty. We were 25 members at the moment, accompanied by Brother Victor, SMM, head of the AMRC of Antsobolo. This pilgrimage began with a conference given by Deacon Olivier, head of AMRC Andraisoro, obviously preceded by daily prayer (lauds). Then, it was followed by the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Clément, SMM and ended with the Stations of the Cross...
Mandimby Fanjanirina | 20 Apr 2022

Self-Dedication of PMRSH in Malang

MALANG, Indonesia - Thursday, April 7, 2022, was a rare moment and a historic day for all of us—the big Montfortian family. On this day, 14 of our brothers and sisters bravely, consciously, and humbly dedicated themselves to Jesus through Mary. Originally, there were only 7 people at PMRSH (AMQAH) Malang, namely Ignatius Royke Kamu, Marietty Veronika Dua Lembang, Fransisca Wijayanti, Wiwik Murniwati, Elisabeth Lucy S. Pasereng, Theresia Supriyatin and R.A Susiana Dirgarini Yuliastuti. The other seven came from AMQAH of Jakarta, Batch II, who had been mentored by Father Jeje via zoom. They are Maria Leonora Linawati, Anastasia Erlin Natalia, Maria Prapti, Juliaty Raharjo, Maria Theresia Dwi Ena Anjar Cahyanti, Alodia Theodora Dina Santoso, Maria Margaretha Ratih Puspa. They spread out in several cities: Sidoarjo, Surabaya, Bali, Solo, Semarang, and Tangerang...
Bro. Rey NABAN, SMM | 15 Apr 2022

Ukrainian Catholic Pilgrimage to Lourdes in Litchfield

CONNECTICUT, USA - Sunday, April 3rd, Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, led a gathering of Ukrainian and Latin Rite Catholics at our Montfort Shrine: Grotto of Lourdes in Litchfield for a “Moleben” to the Mother of God / Prayers for Ukraine. Despite a cold and rainy day, the Chapel was filled, many having been born in Ukraine or with relatives now in grave danger. The prayers, litanies and hymns were all sung in Ukrainian, in a spontaneous choral harmony. The Prayers to the Mother of God ended with the Lourdes Hymn, sung at the Grotto.

16 Young men begin Montfortian initial formation in Indonesia

FLORES, Indonesia – On 25th March 2022, the Solemnity of Annunciation, 16 young men began their initial formation at Novisiat Montfortan in Ruteng, Flores. Their novitiate formation was initiated by a formal acceptance in the Morning Prayer of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The celebration was presided by Fr. Kristianus Jumi NGAMPU SMM on behalf of the Provincial Superior of Indonesia, Fr. Antonius TENSI SMM...

Marian Seminar with Father Rafael Lepen, SMM

MONTERADO, Indonesia - One of the agenda of St. Montfort Parish in filling the Asia-Oceanian Year of Mission is to introduce Our Lady in the Work of Salvation to the parishioners of Monterado. The background for choosing this theme was actually born from the request of the people themselves. They often complain to us about the ...

Montfortians attend First AMQAH and TTJers Renewal in Two Years

CEBU CITY, Philippines - On the afternoon of March 25, 2022, around 60 Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH) members and Totus Tuus Journeyers (TTJers), together with the Daughters of Wisdom (DW), were eager to attend the Renewal of Consecration to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom through the Hands of Mary at Montfort Mission House in Minglanilla, Cebu. It was the first one in two years since the pandemic began. In addition to that, this was also the annual gathering of all members of AMQAH and the TTJers...

Walking Along the Margins with St. Joseph: A Lenten Recollection with Mary and St. Joseph

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - After two years of non-physical activities, the Montfort Spirituality Center, headed by Rev. Fr. Federick YUMANG, SMM, along with the lay associates of Mary, Queen of All Hearts, opened its doors to the lay faithful on a Lenten Recollection with Mary and St. Joseph last March 19, 2022. The theme was “Walking Along the Margins with St. Joseph” with Rev. Fr. Mauricio “Mau” Ulep, CMF as its recollection master...

Renewal of Consecration of the First Batch of Filipinos at the Sanctuary of Mary Queen of All Hearts

ROME, Italy - On Sunday, 27th of March 2022, twenty-two lay people renewed their consecration to Jesus through Mary according to the teachings of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort at the Sanctuary of Mary Queen of All Hearts in Via Romagna. The day began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11:00 a.m. at the Generalate grotto. It was presided by Fr. Jailos MPINA, SMM along with SMM Fathers Richard MAGARARU, Benjie NOTARTE, Steve MUKUSA and Montfort SOUFFRANT as concelebrants...
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