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Acceptance of New Postulants

RUTENG, Indonesia – The Indonesian province is grateful to God for the gift of vocation to the congregation. On July 1, 2017 the Novitiate community in Ruteng, welcomed the new batch of postulants. There are 24 young men coming from various minor seminaries in Flores. Two of them came from Pius XII Kisol Minor Seminary, six from John Paul II Seminary, nine from the SMM Aspirancy, six from St Paul...

Montfortian International Formation

SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SÈVRE, France - The Montfortian International Formation or, in French, Formation Internationale Montfortaine (FIM), a French-language formation program, is being held at Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre. It takes place from June 30 to August 6, 2017 and has three important goals: (1) to prepare resource persons, (2) to share Montfortian spirituality and (3) to experience a spirit of family and...

The National Meeting of the Montfortian Marian Fraternity

SAINT LAURENT-SUR-SÈVRE, France - Who would dare to pretend to possess the spirit of fraternity if one refused to meet his brothers? The desire to meet others is something quite natural. It is therefore not surprising that, from June 30 to July 2, 2017, the national meeting of the Montfortian Marian Fraternity or – in French - Fraternité Mariale Montfortaine (FMM) was held at Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre. The participants...

Sacerdotal ordination in Congo

KIBIBI, Congo - On 25 March 2017, the solemnity of the Annunciation of our Savior, in the parish church of Saint Paul the Apostle of KIBIBI, Father Henri ALOTEREMBI said "YES" before God and his witnesses in the hands of Monseigneur Dieudonné MADRAPILE Tanzi, Bishop of the diocese of Isangi, surrounded by religious and secular priests. He received the imposition of hands making him the ninth Congolese...
08 Apr 2017

VICE-PROVINCE OF INDIA: Provincial Assembly 31st January – 2nd February 2017

BANGALORE, India - We the Montfort Missionaries in the Indian Province had our Provincial assembly in view of the forthcoming General Chapter in Rome. The assembly was held at Maria Bhavan, the Scholasticate on 31st of January to 2nd of February 2017 in Bangalore. All the senior professed membersattended the meeting. The total number of the participants for the assembly was 44...
Bro. Nashwin, SMM | 24 Feb 2017

At 90, Fr. John McCann Returned and Celebrated Masses at his Alma Mater

NEW YORK, USA - St. Martin of Tours School in Amityville invited a special guest to help observe Catholic Schools Week on the first week of February 2017. Montfort Father John McCann, SMM a 1939 graduate of St. Martin's, was invited by parish pastor, Father Gerard Gordon, to celebrate the opening and closing Masses. Father McCann, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday, was the first St. Martin's graduate to...
15 Feb 2017

Delegation Assembly

NEW MANILA, Philippines - The Montfort Missionaries in the Philippines held their Delegation General Assembly on February 1 to 2, 2017 at New Manila, Quezon City. It was attended by perpetually professed members while the temporary professed members and the novices were asked to be present on the first day. The assembly was presided by the delegation superior, Fr. Richard J. Magararu. The purpose of the...

A Night with St. Louis-Marie de Montfort: A Dinner for a Cause

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - The SMM Philippine Delegation celebrated the commemoration of the birth of our holy founder, St. Louis-Marie de Montfort through a very special event called: “A Night with St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, A Dinner for a Cause”. It was also in line with the Tercentenary Celebration of the Death of Montfort that we are going to close in April this year in Cebu...

Rev. Fr. Mario BELOTTI – The New Provincial Superior of Italy

ROME, Italy - The confreres of the Italian Province of the Company of Mary, gathered for the provincial chapter at the Curia Generalizia on January 3 to 7, 2017, and have elected Rev. Fr. Mario Belotti as their new Provincial superior on Friday, January 6, 2017, the feast day of the Epiphany of the Lord. Fr. Mario Belotti was born on January 26, 1948 at Grumello del Monte, Bergamo, Italy. He made his first vows on...

Our Visit to the House of Charity (Children Home) in the Month of the Rosary

NAIROBI, Kenya - October is known as the “Month of the Rosary” in the Catholic Church. Throughout the month, all the faithful are encouraged to pray the rosary in their religious communities, families, Small Christian Communities (SCCs) and in various prayer groups. In Montfort’s view, the rosary is a wonderfully secret way of knowing Mary and finding Jesus through her. This is so, because when we are...

The First Session of Provincial Chapter of the Indonesian Province

BANDUNG, Indonesia - The first session of provincial chapter of the Indonesian Province designated as a preparation for general chapter of the company of Mary was held in Villa Deo Gratias Lembang, Bandung, Indonesia, on November 17 to 19, 2016. This chapter begun with a three-day retreat animated by father Paulus Wiryono SJ, entitled “Revitalization of self-identity in the Mission of the Church...
Fr. Anton Tensi, SMM | 29 Dec 2016

“LAKBAY MONTFORTANO” - Montfortian Walk 2016

BULACAN, Philippines - The Montfortian Mission in San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan continues to touch the lives of our lay faithful. The fruit of its untiring evangelization brought us new hope for a possible opening of the quasi-parish which will be entrusted to the Montfort Fathers. Earlier this 2016, through the efforts of the SMM Bulacan Community and the parish priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish...
Armel Collantes | 28 Dec 2016
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