Le 15 mars 2025, le Père Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, Supérieur Général, Conformément à nos Constitutions (C 145), et avec le consentement de son Conseil, a nommé le Père Roy Sabulao MILLANO, SMM, Maître des novices pour le Noviciat de la Délégation Générale des Philippines....

NOTRE-DAME DU LAUS, France - From January 27th to 29th, as it does every year, the Association of Catholic Shrines held its congress at the Shrine of Our Lady of Laus in this holy year of the Jubilee of 2025. This congress took place under the theme: Shrine: Place of Consolation, with the participation of more than a hundred people from various backgrounds in France and elsewhere....

SHANTHINAGAR, India - The Immaculate Conception Church at Shanthinagar tribal mission celebrated its Silver Jubilee on 17-01-2025, marking 25 years of devotion, faith, and community service. The oldest mission of Montfort Fathers of Indian vice-province over the period of 35-years contributed a substantial service in the formation of the faithful...

On 7 March 2025, Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father Lauro Javier AGUILAR BRITO, SMM Councillor of the General Delegation of Ecuador, replacing Father Héctor Jacinto PESÁNTEZ ATIENCIA, SMM ...

On 29 October 2024, Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council (C 215), appointed Father Doris Sullivano TOMBAOSA, SMM, as Superior of the Vice-Province of Canada for a second mandate of three years. The mandate of the new administration is effective starting from 26 February 2025. The Councillors are: Fr. Louis-Paul SAINT-LAURENT, SMM ....

COLOGNE, Germany - From Sunday, February 16 to Tuesday afternoon, February 18, 2025, confreres from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany gathered at Marianheide for a meaningful regular meeting....

SHANTHINAGAR, India - Health is wealth is the slogan of the land. By the grace of God and the intercession of St. Louis De Montfort, Shanthinagar parish was fortunate to organize a Free Medical Camp in the campus embarking the words of Pope Francis “Hope doesn’t disappoint” looking towards Christ the true healer....

BANGALORE, India -The perpetual profession of vows, also known as making final vows, is the final stage inn joining a religious congregation. The four brothers namely, Abhilash MARIYAPPA, Amit DUNG DUNG, John Jacquet VINCENT and Daniel Selvakumar SEKAR made their perpetual profession of their religious vows in the Congregation of the Company of Mary, on the Birthday of our Founder St. Louis Marie de Montfort 31st ...