Belgium - Tercentenary

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The Tercentenary in Belgium

The preparation
In Belgium, we have a Montfortian tradition, coming from the activities of the three congregations as well as numerous lay persons and groups.
There are some particular groups: The Montfortian Pilgrims and Marian magazines (in two languages, with 15000 readers) the MFC in MVOD (a lively Montfortian training since 15 years, with two recollections during the year), the Fiat association, The Friends of Wisdom, The Legion of Mary, The Foyers of charity, The Marian Fraternity, the Trinity association and some groups working with the Montfortian schools.
Since last year, we attended a series of 15 small retreats, sponsored by the Provincial Administration. It was an occasion to invite all those who want to walk with us and to join us. For 15 months, they would constantly receive emails with the possibility to learn more about Pope Francis and Father Montfort’s spirituality. This course, which is ending next month, is well appreciated by both groups and individuals.

This year
In Belgium, we’ve got two Montfortian magazines, in two different languages. Because, during the Tercentenary, we’ll often talk about Montfortian families. Last month, several pages of the magazines were devoted to the explanation of the relation between the three congregations and theirs collaborators.
In May, the Montfort year has been announced in the two magazines.
In an article, the choice of the Pentecost day for the opening of the Tercentenary has been explained: given that the fruit of Montfort’s mission was a new birth, a new birth as true children and servants of God, given that Montfort is a master and a guide to the way to God. Then in the magazines, all through the year, in each edition, Father Efrem Assolari will introduce Father Montfort in two pages.
The in charges of the three congregations and the representatives of their collaborators have met to plan a whole year dedicated to Montfort.
We not only decided to have a feast day but what has also been adopted is a spiritual walk, which we will propose to our members.
We will launch the Tercentenary year on August 12, during a Marian meeting which will take place from August 10 to 13, in Banneux (a place where Mary appeared in 1933, with a special chapel of Father Montfort).
It’s a good opportunity for us to invite more people with a good preacher on the interesting theme that follows: « Mary leads us to the source of love ».
The speaker, Cardinal Danneels will talk about this theme over the four days of the congress:
« As a mother consoles his son, I will also console you » (Is.66: 13)
« How can that happen? ... The Holy Spirit will come upon you “(Lk. 1:34-35)
« I am with you always; yes, to the end of time» (Mt. 28:20)
« I will be your father and you shall be my sons and daughters» (2 Co. 6: 18)

The congress is the third in a series, an initiative of the shrines of Banneux and Beauraing, the Fiat Association, the Montfort family, Saint John community, Marian movement and lay people.
On August 12, in the afternoon, Father Santino Brembilla will open the Montfort year in Belgium.
From August 12, we will propose to all members of our groups “a relay prayer with Montfort” using the Embraced Prayer.
We plan to have a prayer for the success of our pastoral service of the Church. On May 7th 2016, we will meet in Brussels to honour Father Montfort and to plan together the future.
We will have a retreat from July 27 to 29, 2015, in Maastricht (Holland). The retreat will be preached by Father Wiel Logister. During Montfortian pilgrimages we will particularly insist on Montfort’s Life.
This year, we also plan to organize a few conferences on Montfort. Lectures will be given by:
- the dean of the theology department in the local University,
- a Jesuit theology teacher,
- an American student in Leuven,
- our Indian brother Napoleon who studies theology,
That will be facilitated by the different theological movements, the Montfortian Library and the writings of Father Bosmans (of loving memory), founder of the ‘Movement without Name’ in Belgium).

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