Tercentenary of the Death of Montfort
Calendar of activities: 2015-2016
13th June 2015: Opening of the Tercentenary:
Eucharistic Celebration:
At the Marian shrine of Marie-Reine-des-Coeurs in Montreal, presided by Bishop Quesnel Alphonse, smm.
In the course of the meal, the three provincials: (Claude Sigouin, smm, Yves Ladoucoeur, Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Linda Joseph, Dauthers of the Wisdom) will introduce Montfortian communities through sketch.
Text: Georges Madore, smm
Music: Mr. Nicolas Gagnon, a student of film writing at Montreal University
In the course of the year 2015:
· A prayer leaflet composed by Gilles Lindsay, a Brother of Saint Gabriel will be sent to the inter-Montfortian communities, in relation to the May 24th opening celebration in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre;
· A book of prayers written by Gilles Lindsay, will be sent every two months, by internet, to communities, for the main celebrations of the Tercentenary.
· Four fundamentals of Montfort to correspond to the four celebrations: Wisdom, Mary, Cross and Mission.
· Publication of these celebrations on the website.
· News in the magazines dedicated to Montfort: Notre-Dame du Cap, L’Oratoire, local weekly news, parish bulletins in the parishes wherever the Montfortain communities are present. And different texts written by some members of our congregations.
In 2016
· Three retreats (2 in Montreal, 1 in Ottawa) facilitated by Father Olivier Marie, smm
· Closing Celebration in Ottawa.
The Daughters of Wisdom, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel and the Montfortian Missionaries invite you to the celebration of the Tercentenary of the death of Saint Louis-Marie of Montfort, their founder. Like Montfort, let’s welcome the immense love of God, let’s proclaim that good news. Let’s gather to celebrate and give thanks.
Join the Montfortian family to celebrate the festivities of the Tercentenary
Date: Saturday 13th June 2015
Time: 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Place : The Marian Shrine of Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs
Sanctuaire Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs
5875, rue Sherbrooke Est (angle Bossuet), Montréal
10. 30 a.m. Welcoming
11.00 a. m. Mass celebrated by Mgr Quesnel Alphonse, Montfortian, auxiliary Bishop of Port-au-Prince
12.30 p.m. Lunch
02.30 p.m. Concert- Oratorio Virgo Fidei composed by Georges Madore, smm, and Nicolas Gagnon Choir and orchestra under the direction of Raymond Perin
4.30 p.m. Departure
We are looking forward to welcome you among us to celebrate this important event in the Montfort family.
Provincials Responsible
Linda Joseph, f.d.l.s.
Yves Ladouceur, f.s.g.
Claude Sigouin, s.m.m.
The Organizing Committee
Pierrette Daviau, f.d.l.s.
Hélène Leboeuf, a.d.l.s.
Raymond Leroux, f.s.g.
Georges Madore, s.m.m.
Jean Plamondon, a.d.l.s.