Prayer to Montfort - Tercentenary

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Prayer to Montfort

Prayer / Liturgy

Bathed in the tenderness of a “Father unfailing”,

you have lived the joy that trials do not extinguish.
keep alive in us, Montfort,
the clear joy of our baptism.

Burning with the Gospel, with the brilliance of a sun,
you saw the night flee away
before the dawn of Immense Love.
Push us, Montfort, toward the margins and frontiers
that await the warm light of the Gospel.

As bread that nourishes, as a mantle that protects,
you gave yourself to the poor, Montfort,
because you loved them.
Make of us bread broken and shared
from the hands of the Lord.

You carried in your soul a secret spring
where your faith, Montfort, quenched its thirst.
She is called Mary, the woman most blessed.
Lead us to this fountain:
that we may take her into our home
as mother and companion.

In the rhythm of your steps on the path of the missionary,
in the rhythm of the Spirit in some desert place,
you know, O Montfort, how to nourish yourself with silence
where the Infinite is received and the heart transformed.
Lead us each day to the well of the Presence
where the true thirst in us finds water
springing up to eternal life.     Amen

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