General Administration > Commissions
The Commission for Formation helps the General Council in its task of giving impetus to formation as a "continuous process of personal growth and conversion" (cf. Acts General Chapter 2023, 16). In particular, it will contribute in monitoring the formation programs of the Entities, the process of implementing the guidelines of the Ratio Formationis and the process of promulgation of the Local Ratio.
To carry out its task, the Commission is made up of confreres competent in ongoing and initial formation, coming from various cultural contexts. Together with Fr. Marco PASINATO chairman, the Commission is composed by the following members: Fr. Luis SALVADOR AVILA, Peruvian, form the General Delegation Peru-Brazil; Fr. Heredi (Edy) SUHARTONO (15/09/79), from the Province of Indonesia; Fr. Richard Dass AROGYA SWAMY GOKUNTE (07/10/83), from the Vice Province of India; Fr. Doris SULLIVANO TOMBAOSA (19/03/81), Malagasy, from the Vice-Province of Canada and Fr. David GIAPUNDA MUKWABADI (02/04/78), Congolese, from the General Delegation of Francophone Africa.
Commission for Formation
Walking together… in the footsteps of the poor apostles. Formation in Montfortian life - Volume I: inspirational principles, Rome 2005.
Walking together… in the footsteps of the poor Apostles. Formation in Montfortian life - Volume II: general guidelines and norms, Rome 2022.
Order of the Religious Profession