General Administration > Commissions
Care for the most vulnerable in
all its aspects is an integral part of our life and ministry. The task of the
Commission is to continue promoting structural changes within the Congregation
to foster a consistent culture of care and safeguarding, thereby preventing all
forms of abuse. It is also responsible for providing expertise and technical
support in specific areas, such as creating safe environments, developing and
revising policies, education and training, responding to safeguarding
allegations, and offering support to victims and survivors.
The members of the Safeguarding
Commission were appointed on February 15th, 2024. Among them were Fr. Gerald FITZSIMMONS
and Fr. Wismick JEAN-CHARLES. Fr. Wismick left the Commission when he became
the Auxiliary Bishop of Port au-Prince, and Fr. Fitz sadly passed away after a
long battle with ALS. At that time, Fr. Antonius Tensi was appointed as a
member of the Commission. Below is a brief CV of the current members.
Safeguarding Commission
General Protocol
Basic criteria for the treatment of cases of abuse of minors and sexual misconduct with adults, Rome 2015.