Mission - Evangelization
General Administration > Commissions
The Commission for Mission and Evangelization aims at accompanying, sharing, and supporting the evangelization initiatives of the entities and confreres in mission, and the mission of the new foundations. In faithfulness to our constitutions and responding to the Acts of the 38th General Chapter, members are called upon to dare to take risks for God and for humanity and to dare to incarnate the Good News as we serve the cries of the people today in the different continents and cultures (GC 23.9).
We must always proclaim Jesus Christ Incarnate Wisdom no less by the witness of lives we live than by the word we preach. The world we live in only believes quickly if words are confirmed by example. So, any apostolic missionary must first practice what he preaches to others (RM 62; C.10; 1 John 4:16; C.69). Our communities, structures we have in our respective geographical locations, customs that define our way of living community life and organization of staff must be at the service of the mission (C.7). Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort gave himself body and soul serving the church. With the same attitude and disposition, he prayed to the Holy Spirit to create priests who burn with this same fire and whose ministry will renew the face of the earth and reform the church (PM 17).
The members of the commission for the mission and evangelization include:
- Fr. Lonely Paul MASHONGA, SMM (47), committee chairperson.
- Fr. Jean Claude MBINZA OKIENKUM, SMM (39) from Francophone Africa General Delegation.
- Fr. Charolus Albertus LETA, SMM (Charles) (38) from the Vice Province of the Netherlands.
- Fr. Melkior (Melki) JELALU, SMM (42) from the Province of Indonesia.
- Fr. Leonardo de Jesús BERNAL VELÁSQUEZ, SMM (42) from the Province of Colombia.
- Fr. Jos VAN DEN BERGH, SMM (74) from Belgium General Delegation.
- Fr. Ronald JEANNITE, SMM (59) from the Province of Haiti.
- Fr. Thomas POTH, SMM (72) from the Vice Province of the United States of America.
Commission for Mission and Evangelization